Accounting F2019
Accounting – 1/14/2020
I. Journal Entries – Today II. Multiple Choice & Financial Statement – Tomorrow
Accounting – 1/13/2020
I. Precision Exam – Extra +5 Summative if you pass II. Final Exam A. Tuesday – Journal Entries & a financial statement (B/S or I/S) B. Wednesday – Multiple Choice
Accounting – 1/10/2020
I. Bellwork .Page 237 Q&A 1-2 Show your work II. Objective: Analyze, Interpret, Journalize transactions in accordance to GAAP III. Final Days Part 1 on Tuesday – Multiple Choice Part 2 on Wednesday – Journal Entries & Financial Statement?? IV. Review for Final Practice Journal Entries on iLearn Multiple Choice on iLearn V. Finish all […]
Accounting – 1/09/2020
I. Bellwork Page 222 Q&A 1-3 II. Objectives Prepare a post-closing trial balance in accordance to GAAP Create a sequence map based upon information in the text to explain the steps required to correctly prepare a post-closing trial balance III. Discussion/Notebook Recording Closing Entries p. 223-230 IV. Notebook Sequence map – Preparing a Post Closing […]
Accounting – 1/08/2020
I. Bellwork Page 217 Critical Thinking 1-2 Q&A II. Objectives Journalize and post closing entries for a service business organized as a proprietorship Explain the need for post-closing entries and demonstrate the process. III. Discussion/Notebook A Recording Closing Entries p. 214 Accounting Cycle Permanent & Temporary Accounts Matching Expenses with Revenue – Closing Entries […]
Accounting – 1/07/2020
I. Objectives Apply terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statements (I/S an B/S) in accordance with GAAP II. Chapter 7 Exam – on iLearn A. Multiple Choice B. Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Accounting – 1/06/2020
I. Bellwork Page 205 Q&A 1-2 II. Objectives Review terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statements in accordance with GAAP III. Test Tomorrow IV. Classwork Page D-7 Recycle Problem Review Sheet on Aplia
Accounting – 12/20/19
I. Bellwork A. What are the classifications (3) of the accounts listed on the balance sheet? B. What is the formula for updating the capital account on the balance sheet? II. Objectives: Prepare a balance sheet for a service business organized as a proprietorship. Interpret information from a worksheet to construct a balance sheet in […]
Accounting – 12/19/19
I. Bellwork Q&A Explain how each (3) of the percentages of sales ratios on the income statement are calculated. Use words and formulas. (What is in the numerator and denominator?) II. Objectives: Prepare a balance sheet for a service business organized as a proprietorship. Interpret information from a worksheet to construct a balance sheet […]