2014 Intro to Business SS
Intro to Business SS – 6/24/14
I. Objectives: Examine the benefits of obtaining a higher education Explain how decisions at one stage of your life can affect your options at other stages. Describe techniques for coping with change Describe and prepare an application letter II. Classwork: A. In iLearn create questions for the Chapter 1 Quiz after the break – Read […]
Intro to Business SS – 6/23/14
Objective: Explore factors and considerations necessary to make informed career decisions. A. Class Procedures and Policies Discussion Summer School 2014 rules-1 Summer School intro-to-business-syllabus B. Lesson 1.1 Considering Careers pgs 2-9 1. Vocabulary (7) & Page 9 Check Your Understanding 1-4 Q&A 2. Go to the website below & complete the interest survey https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip Let […]