Personal Finance W2017
Personal Finance – 6/05/17
I. Objectives: Payment Types I. Interpret the differences in payment types, including debit cards, credit cards, pre- cash advances, and payday loans II. Understand when & when not to use different payment types Credit Cards III. Evaluate different types of credit card fees and features IV. Compare credit card offers based on different scenarios Manage […]
Personal Finance – 6/01/17
I. Objectives: The Banking System I. Examine the different types of financial institutions II. Understand the characteristics of different bank types (retail vs. online vs. credit union) Ill. Introduce the structure & function of the Federal Reserve Choosing Your Account IV. Understand some basic terms/features of accounts (liquidity, FDIc-insured, minimum balance) V. Know […]
Personal Finance – 5/30/17
I. Objectives: Determine the impact of interest rates and time on total interest accrued Identify common savings vehicles (savings account, CDs, MMAs) Describe common features (liquidity, minimum balance, interest rate) of savings vehicles Understand that compound interest leads to more interest over time than simple interest Describe the impact of compounding frequency on total interest […]
Personal Finance – 5/25/17
I. Discuss Questions on Review Part B (10 minutes) II. Final Exam Part II III. All parts on Banzai need to be completed by the end of class Today – I am not going back to look for your late work
Personal Finance – 5/24/17
I. Discuss Questions on Review (10-15 minutes) II. Final Exam Part I III. Tomorrow Final Exam Part II IV. All parts on Banzai need to be completed by the end of class Thursday
Personal Finance – 5/23/17
I. Bellwork Kyle has a balance on his credit card of $4000. His interest rate is 24%/year. He makes a $250 payment each month. SHOW YOUR WORK FOR EACH PROBLEM What is his credit balance the first month? What is his credit balance the second month? What is his credit balance the third month? II. Objectives […]
Personal Finance – 5/22/17
I. Bellwork: Summarize the article by addressing the questions below A. Millennials buck credit cards but miss out on building scores What is the purpose of the article? What evidence is used? What is your opinion? II. Objective Calculate compound interest and determine the monthly balance for a credit card. Create a circle map to […]
Personal Finance – 5/19/17
I. Bellwork – Show you work A. If you invest $1200 a year at 3% interest , how much money will you have at the end of 1 year? Show your work and round to the nearest penny. B. If you invest $1200 a year at 3% interest, how much money will you have […]
Personal Finance – 5/18/17
I. Bellwork: iLearn 16.1 on Vocabulary II. Objective Calculate compound interest and determine the monthly balance for a credit card. Create a circle map to explain the factors that determine credit worthiness III. Notebook/Discussion Credit Worthiness Circle Map Credit Score Video IV. Classwork 16.1.2 Rule of 72 and Compounding Interest on iLearn Credit Card […]