April, 2019
AP Economics – 5/01/19
I. Bellwork Page 435 MC 1-5 Q&A & P436 FRQ#2 II. Objectives Explain the pros and cons of protectionism Illustrate the effects of a tariff and an import quota III. Section 8 Exam Friday IV. Barriers to Trade p 437-441 Micro 2.8 Tariffs and Quotas A. Trade Restrictions Tariffs Import Quotas V. Classwork on iLearn […]
Accounting – 4/30/19
I. Bellwork on iLearn 4/30 BW II. Objectives Prepare a payroll register determining total earnings, total deductions and net pay Prepare an employee earnings record Prepare a payroll check for net pay and for individual employees III. EverFi Honor Code . due tonight IV. Test on Friday V. Aplia 12-S Page 373 – Due Wednesday at […]
AP Economics – 4/30/19
I. Bellwork Q&A 43.1 WS on iLEARNin Module 43 Student Why China’s Currency Tangos with the USD? II. Objectives Explain the difference between fixed exchange rates and floating exchange rates Discuss the considerations that lead countries to choose different exchange rate regimes Describe the effects of currency devaluation and revaluation under a fixed exchange rate […]
Accounting- 4/29/19
I. Bellwork on iLearn 4/29 BW II. Objectives Prepare a payroll register determining total earnings, total deductions and net pay Prepare an employee earnings record Prepare a payroll check for net pay and for individual employees III. Finish Aplia 12M . due tonight IV. Test Friday V. Aplia 12-S Page 373 – Due Wednesday Part […]
AP Economics 4/29/19
I. Bellwork Page 425 MC 1-5 & P426 FRQ#2 II. Objectives Explain the role of the foreign exchange market and the exchange rate Discuss the importance of real exchange rates and their role in the current account III. Participation person (1) A. Collect Homework, staple together and give to sub B. Collect Bellwork staple together […]
AP Economics – 4/26/19
I. Bellwork On iLearn: Worksheet 42.3: Big Mac Index “What Does the Big Mac Index Really Measure?” II. Objectives: Explain the role of the foreign exchange market and the exchange rate Discuss the importance of real exchange rates and their role in the current account III. The Role of the Exchange Rate A. Understanding Exchange […]
Accounting – 4/26/19
I. Bellwork Pages 370-371: Progressive Income Taxes Q&A 1-3 See page 47 on link below https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p15.pdf II. Objectives Prepare a payroll register determining total earnings, total deductions and net pay Prepare a payroll check for net pay and for individual employees III. Discussion Topics: EverFi – Honor Code – Due on Wednesday (15 summative) Chapter […]
Accounting – 4/25/19
I. Bellwork Reviewing a Case of Employee Fraud Summary: Explain what the employee did and how. What are some practices that could prevent this from occurring? II. Objectives Justify the use of a payroll checking account. Prepare employee payroll checks. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, connecting insights gained […]
AP Economics – 4/25/19
I. Bellwork Understanding Trade Deficits Identify Pros and cons related to trade deficits in the article. Provide your opinion on whether deficits are good or bad and why? II. Objectives Identify the components of the current and financial accounts and analyze their relationship Construct economic models to demonstrate the flow of money (investment) between countries […]
AP Economics – 4/24/19
I. Bellwork: Grapefruit Olives Country X 10/tons 40/tons Country Y 15/tons 30/tons Q&A Explain your answer and show/compare both mathematical relationships Which country has the absolute advantage in producing grapefruit? Which country has the absolute advantage in producing olives? Which country has the comparative advantage in producing grapefruit? Which country has the comparative […]