2014 Computer Applications SS

Comp Apps SS – 7/16/14

Excel – Working with Charts Excel 80-95  EX D-1 Excel 96-97  Concept Review 1-17 Write out Answers Excel 97-99 Skills Review EX D-2 Excel 101 Independent Challenge 2EX D-4 Excel Unit D iLearn Test

Comp Apps – 7/03/14

I.  Objectives:  Identify elements of the Excel 2007 Window Enter and Edit data into a Worksheet. Apply cell formatting, such as cell borders, alignment, and text orientation. Demonstrate techniques for selecting cells. Apply themes and cell styles. Preview and set print options for a worksheet Use formulas to perform calculations. II.  Classwork Pg 185 – […]

Comp Apps SS – 7/02/14

I.  Objectives:  Identify elements of the Excel 2007 Window Enter and Edit data into a Worksheet. Apply cell formatting, such as cell borders, alignment, and text orientation. Demonstrate techniques for selecting cells. Apply themes and cell styles. Preview and set print options for a worksheet Use formulas to perform calculations. II. Getting Started with Excel […]

Comp Apps SS – 7/01/14

I.  Objectives: Explain the usages and applications of margins, line spacing, indents, and tabs. Adjust margins Apply paragraph formats such as line spacing and indents Position text using tabs and tab stops Format bulleted and numbered lists Format hanging indents and first line indents Create footnotes and endnotes II. Word Unit C Word Page 50 […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/30/14

I.  Objectives: Format bulleted and numbered lists Format hanging indents and first line indents Create footnotes and endnotes Insert and manipulate graphics Create an HTML file from a Word Document II.  Classwork: A.  Pgs 108-110 Contini Picnic Files for the Exercises below can found at: https://www.emcp.com/college_resource_centers/listonline.php?GroupID=10504 B.  P. 117 Exercise 3 C.  Pgs 117-118 Exercise […]

Computer Apps SS – 6/27/14

I.  Objectives: Format bulleted and numbered lists Format hanging indents and first line indents Create footnotes and endnotes Insert and manipulate graphics Create an HTML file from a Word Document II.  Classwork A.  Pgs 114 -115 Review Questions & Answers  #19, 21, 25-30, 32 B.  Pgs 102-103 Training Part 5 C.  Pgs 104-105 Training Part […]

Computer Apps SS – 6/26/14

I.  Chapter 3 Objectives: Explain the usages and applications of margins, line spacing, indents, and tabs. Adjust margins Apply paragraph formats such as line spacing and indents Position text using tabs and tab stops II.  Classwork A.  Make a Screen Copy and Label each: Left line indent marker P 87 Right line indent marker P […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/25/14

 I.   Objective: Identify and apply formatting and other commonly used ribbons and buttons to create Word documents. II. Classwork A.  Orientation Part 3 Pgs 61-63 Finish the last steps & I will show you how to print it. B. Pages 74-75 Exercise 1 C.  Pages 75-76 Exercise 2 – Summative D.  Page 76 Exercise […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/24/14

I.  Objective: Identify and apply formatting and other commonly used ribbons and buttons to create Word documents. Demonstrate techniques for selecting, copying, and moving text Insert special characters Apply paragraph formats Create hyperlinks to a Web page and to an e-mail address Use the thesaurus to display a list of synonyms II. Classwork A.  Windows […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/23/14

I.  Review Summer School Rules and Policies Summer School 2014 rules-1 syllabuscompapps2012-summer-school  II.  Objective: Explain why the word processor is ideal for producing a variety of different documents Identify the different parts of the Word window Use the word processor to enter and modify texts Demonstrate techniques for selecting, copying, and moving text Insert special […]

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