December, 2016

Personal Finance – 12/23/2016

I.  Bellwork A.  Malak has a $250 deductible for limited collision and $100 deductible for comprehensive. Malak’s slides off the road and hits a parked car. The damage to the parked car is $8,500. Which insurance coverage is responsible for covering the accident How much does the insurance company pay? B.  Ali has a $250 […]

Sociology – 12/23/2016

I. Bellwork A).  How society creates deviant individuals Four Square II.  Objectives: Determine the central ideas or information; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas through use of a 4-square Apply concepts and terminology related to deviance and society III.  Chapter 7 Test

Economics – 12/23/2016

I.  Bellwork Paper with MLA Heading II.  Objectives Demonstrate and apply an understanding of the various aspects of fiscal policy (spending and taxation) and its impact on society. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different formats in order to address a question or solve a problem III. Federal Budget Simulation Activity  Break […]

Personal Finance – 12/22/2016

I.  Bellwork A.  No-fault auto plan revised  – Questions  & Answers According to the article, why are legislators attempting to reform the no-fault auto regulations? Explain what the draft legislation is attempting to do. How many states have no-fault auto insurance regulations? Does it appear the legislation will be successful? Explain what you believe should […]

Sociology – 12/22/2016

I.  Bellwork: Smoking Becomes ‘Deviant Behavior’ Summarize the article (4-6 sentences) Identify the message of the article Cite evidence used to support the message (statistics, examples, theories) Provide your opinion on whether you agree with the message and explain why or why not II.   Objective: Discuss societal issues related with the criminal justice system […]

Economics – 12/22/2016

I  Bellwork: Q&A SAT Reading II.  Objective: Examine the issues surrounding taxation, spending, and the budget crisis. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence Integrate information from diverse sources into a coherent understanding of an idea or event III. Thinking Maps Impact of the National Debt […]

Sociology – 12/21/2016

I.   Bellwork: Q&A A.  Examine the FBI Classifications of Crime on Page 171 Are there any Part II offenses that you believe should be Part I offenses? Explain Are there any Part I offenses that you would consider Part II offenses? Explain   II.   Objective: Discuss deviance as it relates to societal issues […]

Personal Finance – 12/21/2016

I.  Bellwork A.  Hana has $250 deductible for collision and $500 deductible for comprehensive. She hits a deer which causes $2000 in damage. Which type of insurance covers the accident? How much does the insurance company pay? B.  You have broad collision insurance with a $500 deductible. You are involved in an accident is which […]

Economics – 12/21/2016

I.  Bellwork: SAT Reading II.  Objective Distinguish between a surplus, a deficit, the national deficit, and national debt Examine the impact of deficits, surpluses, and the national debt on the private sector. Integrate information from diverse sources into an understanding of government spending, the deficit, debt, and its impact on the economy III.  Discussion & […]

Personal Finance – 12/20/2016

I.  Bellwork A) Nabil has a vehicle registered in Michigan an is driving in Ohio. He runs off the road and hits a fence causing $12,000 in damage. Which coverage under no-fault insurance is responsible for the claim? How much is covered? Explain B) Raneem drives her car into the side of a business causing […]

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