March, 2011

Economics – 4/01/11

I.  Bellwork Q&A Page 155 Examining the Newsclip 1-2 Q&A II. Objective Analyze the impact of a change in public policy on consumers, producers, workers, savers, and investors III.  Discussion – Pgs. 156-161 Social Goals & Market Efficiency Price Ceiling and Price Floors -Video IV.  Classwork Page 156 Vocabulary (8) Page 161 #2-7 Q&A

Economics – 3/31/11

I.  Bellwork Q&A Provide two situations which may result in a surplus of a product. Provide two situations which may result in a shortage of a product. II.  Objective: Examine the business plans of entrepreneurs as they attempt to obtain capital and financing. III.  Turn in Notebooks IV.  Classwork- Shark Tank A.  Questions to answer […]

Multimedia – 3/30/11

Advanced PowerPoint Page 559 Review Questions & Answers 1-5 Pages 540-541  Human Geography Quiz-Part 1 Save and send to I:drive DropOff file

Economics – 3/30/11

I.  Bellwork Q&A Economics Analysis Pages 149, 150, and 152 II. Objective Analyze how prices change through the interaction of buyers and sellers in a market including the role of supply, demand, equilibrium, price ceiling, and price floors. III.   Classwork Real World Economics – Simple Supply and Demand Review of Supply/Demand/Equilibrium/Shortage& Surplus IV.  6-2 Quiz […]

Economics – 3/29/11

I.  Bellwork  – Q&A A.  Page 147 Analyze the Impact 1-2 Q&A What is a benefit of selling merchandise on-line? What is a disadvantage of buying merchandise on-line? II. Objective Analyze how prices change through the interaction of buyers and sellers in a market including the role of supply, demand, equilibrium, price ceiling, and price […]

Economics – 3/28/11

I. Bellwork List 4 goods or services you have recently purchased or thought about purchasing. Identify how price may have influenced your decision regarding the items you have bought? II. Objective Analyze how prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers in a competitive market. III. Video – Rationing RESA IV. Classwork Page  […]

Multimedia – 3/25/11

I. PowerPoint Add your name in the title slide for both exercises A.  Page 531-532 Exercise 7 Gadgets Logo File on the I: drive I will tell you which slide to print at the end B.  Pages 532-533 Exercise 8 Follow directions (a-j & r-u) Print Handouts- 6 slides – Grayscale

Economics – 3/25/11

I.  Bellwork (15 min) Page 140 Vocabulary 1-12 – Letter & Word only Page 141- #34 & #37 – Answers only II.  Objective Test – Chapter 5 – Supply III.  Turn in Review Sheet IV.  Chapter 5 Exam

Economics – 3/24/11

I.  Bellwork Q&A 1.      Provide 2 examples of fixed costs 2.      Provide 2 examples of variable costs 3.      Explain the difference between total costs and marginal costs. II. Objective Review Chapter 5 – Supply III.  Classwork Chapter-5-Review1 Chapter 5-1 iLearn Quiz Review Reteaching Chapter 5 IV.  Chapter 5 Test Friday (tomorrow)

Multimedia – 3/23/2011

I.  PowerPoint A.  Page 529 Exercise 4- Follow directions Add your name to the Title Slide Add a picture of a Terrapin to slides 2, 3 and 4 Print -Handouts – 6 slides per page – Grayscale B.  Page 530-531 Exercise 6 Follow steps a-m, q-r, and v-w Add your name to the Title Slide […]

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