January, 2020

AP Macro – 1/31/2020

I.  Bellwork Kahoot – What is GDP? II.  Objectives Differentiate between real and nominal GDP Explain why real GDP is the appropriate measure of real economic activity III.  Discussion:  Interpreting Real GDP Pgs115-119 A.  What GDP Tells Us B.  Real GDP: A Measure of Aggregate Output Calculating Real GDP REAL GDP REAL vs. Nominal GDP […]

Government – 1/31/2020

I. Bellwork  A. Gallery Walk – Unitary, Confederate, or Federal Number your paper #1 – #6 For each sheet determine”the form of government & explain why? II. Objectives: Identify the foundations of democracy Discuss the responsibilities and duties of citizenship Analyze the characteristics of different governments in a gallery walk to determine if they employ […]

AP Macro – 1/30/2020

I.  Bellwork A. Explain the message of this cartoon? B. What is your opinion of the cartoon? II.   Objectives: Explain how economists use aggregate measures to track the performance of the economy Interpret the circular flow diagram of the economy Define and calculate GDP III.  Discussion/Notes A.  The Circular – Flow Model The Simple […]

Government – 1/30/2020

I. Bellwork:  Q&A Google Classroom – Totalitarianism Article II. Objectives: Analyze the article to gain insight into the factors leading to totalitarianism and how its supporters are manipulated. Identify ways that power can be  distributed geographically within a state. Describe a government by the distribution of power between the executive branch and legislative branch III. […]

Government – 1/29/2020

I. Bellwork Google Classroom – Franco Article II. Objectives Cite evidence in the secondary source (Newsela) to connect insights gained to an understanding of the concept of a dictatorship/dictator. Define systems of government based on who can participate Identify ways that power can be  distributed geographically within a state. Describe a government by the distribution […]

AP MacroEconomics – 1/29/2020

I.  Bellwork Explain the symptoms of an economy that is doing poorly. II.  Objectives: Analyze the stages in the business cycle, their impact on the economy. Explain the 3 main economic goals in relation to the stages of the business cycle. III.  Introduction to Macro Economics Pages 10-15 A.  Analyze the Business Cycle (Macro) Episode […]

Government – 1/28/2020

I.  Bellwork  Q&A –  John Locke – 2nd Treatise of Government on iLearn A.  According to Locke, what freedoms did people have before the founding of governments? B.  Explain what individuals agree to by consenting with others to make one government? C.  Why would someone give up their state of perfect freedom?  II. Objectives: Analyze a […]

AP MacroEconomics – 1/28/2020

I. Objectives: Analyze, create models, and explain  (using data from PPCs or tables as appropriate) how specialization according to comparative advantage with appropriate terms of trade can lead to gains from trade. Create and explain (using graphs as appropriate) the relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity demanded and/or quantity […]

Government – 1/27/2020

I. Bellwork – Q&A A. What are the four characteristics of a state? B. What are the three ways boundaries can change? III. Objectives: Apply the features and roles of a state by creating a profile of a new, fictional sovereign state and deciding on its priorities. Analyze and interpret the Preamble of the Constitution […]

AP MacroEconomics – 1/27/2020

I.  Bellwork    A.   Google Classroom  – NetFlix Article II.  Objectives: Analyze, create models, and explain  (using data from PPCs or tables as appropriate) how specialization according to comparative advantage with appropriate terms of trade can lead to gains from trade. Create and explain (using graphs as appropriate) the relationship between the price of a good […]

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