November, 2016

Personal Finance – 12/01/2016

I.  Bellwork – Questions Answers What form do you need from your employer in order to file your taxes? When is the last day to file your taxes for 2016? Provide 2 examples of deductions that are allowed on a tax return II.  Objectives Content OBJ: Complete a 1040 EZ Form given a person’s W-2 […]

Economics – 12/01/2016

I.  Bellwork:: week-2-reading-money-cant-buy-love-assymetric-beliefs-about-gift-prices2 buy-love-sat-questions II.  Objectives: Review and discuss principles and concepts as they relate to the determination of price. Analyze and provide examples of the practice of price controls. Evaluate various  historical actions regarding price controls  and determine their economic impact III.  Review for Test tomorrow IV.  Classwork Economics USA Efficiency Questions 1-13 […]

Sociology – 12/01/2016

I.  Bellwork Page 127 Skills Focus Q&A List 3 warning statements that are associated with suicide. II.  Objectives: Examine the main challenges faced by those experiencing adolescence and the factors that influence these challenges. Evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats in order to address a question or solve a problem. […]

Sociology – 11/30/2017

I.  Bellwork Page 129 Thinking Critically 1-2 Q&A II.  Objectives: Analyze bullying from the victims and perpetrators point of view and develop strategies for dealing with bullying incidents. Evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats in order to address a question or solve a problem. III.  Don’t forget to take to […]

Personal Finance – 11/30/2016

I.  Bellwork piece-work-bellwork II.  Objectives Define basic tax terminology Identify and explain the information necessary for  tax preparation Determining meanings of words and phrases as they relate to tax preparation and identify how they are applied through class discussion and reading. II.  Discussion Intro to Taxes chapter-07 III.  Classwork A.  Chapter 7.2 Pages 141-155   […]

Economics – 11/30/2016

I.  Bellwork:: week-2-reading-money-cant-buy-love-assymetric-beliefs-about-gift-prices2 buy-love-sat-questions II.  Objectives: Assess the impact of price supports used in administering the United States Sugar Program through the  use of various media and explain how government policies affect the behavior of consumers and producers Based upon the audio report, reading, and collaboration, students will develop claims and counterclaims addressing Sugar price […]

Personal Finance – 11/29/206

I.  Bellwork – Show your work A.  Nabil gets a commission of 5% of all sales & gets additional commission of 1% for sales over $40,000. He had sales of $60,000. What is his commission? B.  Hussein’s base monthly salary is $2000. He makes a 4% commission on sales up to $25,000 and an 8% […]

Sociology – 11/29/2016

I.  Bellwork- Q&A A.  Another Brick in the Wall What is the chorus of the song? What is the message of the song? Provide examples in the video and lyrics that help support the message. Explain in detail your stance on education in relation to the message? II.  Objectives: Examine the main challenges faced by those […]

Economics – 11/29/2016

I.  Bellwork:: week-2-reading-money-cant-buy-love-assymetric-beliefs-about-gift-prices2 buy-love-sat-questions II.   Objectives: Analyze and provide examples of how price controls are practiced and their impact. Identify the impact resulting from changes in Demand and Supply on equilibrium Price and Quantity Integrate and evaluate various graphic models in order to address a question or solve a problem. III.  Classwork A.  Supreme Court […]

Sociology – 11/28/2016

I.  Bellwork: Cats In The Cradle Q&A What is the message in the song? What are some of the events in the song used to reinforce this message? How does the song’s message relate to the role of parents as one of the key factors in personality development? II.  Objective Analyze and discuss those factors […]

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