October, 2011
Computer Applications – 11/01/11
I. Bellwork List and describe 5 different functions contained on the function list. II. Objectives: Use functions to perform calculations Copy and move data between sheets III. Classwork A. Pgs. 262-264 Loan B. Pgs 265-267 Car Sales
Economics – 11/01/11
I. Bellwork List 5 goods or services you have recently purchased. Identify if price may have influenced your decision regarding the items you have bought? II. Objective Analyze how prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers in a competitive market. III. Video – Prices IV. Classwork Page 143 Vocabulary (6) Page 146 […]
Computer Applications – 10/31/11
I. Bellwork A. Draw and Label the following buttons: AutoSum Sort A to Z Sort Z to A Sort II. Review Absolute Cell References & Formulas III. Objectives: Use functions to perform calculations Delete Columns Add IF Functions IV. Classwork A. Pgs 259-261 Payroll Part 1 B. P. 275 Questions & Answers 1-3 & 5-9
Economics – 10/31/11
I. Bellwork Page 141- #37 II. Objective: Examine the problems/shortcomings of a capitalist society and identify areas where improvements can be made. III. Classwork Capitalism: A Love Story Capitalism-A Love Story Worksheet IV. Chapter 5 Test Retake Tomorrow – 2:30
Computer Applications – 10/28/11
I. Bellwork A. What is an absolute cell reference? B. Provide an example of an absolute cell reference II. Objectives: Use functions to perform calculations Apply sorting to documents III. Classwork A. Pgs. 255-256 Planets Part 2 B. P. 275 Questions & Answers 1-3 & 5-9
Economics – 10/28/11
I. Bellwork Chapter 5 Vocabulary Crossword II. Objective Complete Assessment: Chapter 5 – Supply III. Notebook Work Page 141 #40 IV. Chapter 5 Exam
Computer Applications – 10/27/11
I. Bellwork A. What was the best part of the first card marking? B. What was the worst thing about the first card marking? C. In 20-30 words, explain your goals for the new card marking and how you will achieve them. II. Objectives: Modifying and Creating Cell Styles Inserting an Deleting Row and Columns […]
Economics – 10/27/11
I. Bellwork A. Chapter 5 Enrichment Turn it in at the end of the hour with the movie questions II. Objective: Examine the problems/shortcomings of a capitalist society and identify areas where improvements can be made. III. Classwork Capitalism: A Love Story Video Link Capitalism-A Love Story Worksheet Answer questions the movie questions which appear […]
Computer Applications – 10/26/11
I. Bellwork In no less than 40 words, summarize what you learned in Chapter 5. II. Objective: Outline a persuasive essay in good form III. Persuasive Essay Prompt – Should School Be Year-Round? Click on the link and read the article below then complete the Persuasive Writing Planner. Year-round school gains ground around U.S. A. […]
Economics – 10/26/11
I. Bellwork: Draw diagrams & answer Page 141- #34 II. Objective Review Chapter 5 – Concepts and principles of Supply III. Classwork Reteaching Chapter 5 Chapter-5-Review1 Chapter 5-1 iLearn Quiz Review IV. Chapter 5 Test Friday