December, 2009
Winter Recess 12/21-1/03
If you require assistance over the winter break, please leave a comment on the blog and I will receive you message.
Intro to Business – 12/18/09
I. Bellwork A. Should the government assist banks that lose all their money. Explain your stance.II. Objectives: Identify factors which led to the banking crisis. IV. Classwork Inside the Meltdown – Video Discussion Questions Progress Reports
Computer Applications – 12/18/09
I. Bellwork P. 275 #15 A, B & C II. Objectives: Apply proper keyboarding technique and improve keystrokes III. Classwork A. Micro Type Pro Lesson 10 (Lessons 9-12 are due today) B. Send Fundraiser to the I; drive drop off folder IV. Notebook Check
Keyboarding – 12/18/09
I. Bellwork P 137 55D – 2 minute timing- due first 12 minutes II. Objective Improve keyboard speed and control Apply formatting to text III. Classwork Micro Type Pro Lesson N-Q due today
Intro to Business – 12/17/09
I. Bellwork A. List 5 different financial institutions you know II. Objectives: Explain how banks earn revenues. Describe the major depository institutions. III. Notebook Work Chapter 20 – The banking System 318-322 A. The Business of Banking 5 Facts B. Banks & Other Deposit Institutions Depository Institution – Define 1. Commercial Banks -5 Facts 2. […]
Computer Applications – 12/17/09
I. Bellwork P. 276 #26 A & B II. Objectives: Use spreadsheets to conduct what-if analysis III. Classwork A. Finish Car Sales B. Pgs. 269-271 Fundraiser C. Micro Type Pro Lesson 10 (Lessons 9-12 are due Friday) IV. Notebook Check Tomorrow
Keyboarding – 12/17/09
I. Bellwork Pg 138 Activity 1 – underline the correct words II. Objective Apply Tab Stops to format documents III. Classwork P. 142 Activity 8 – Tab Stops Micro Type Pro K-O due tomorrow
Intro to Business – 12/16/09
I. Bellwork A. Pg 264 Critical Thinking 1-2 II. Objectives: Examine the opportunities which exist in sall business ownership and employment III. Classwork A. Pgs. 262-263 Calculating Business Problems 1-3 (Show all work) B. Chapter 16 Review Sheet
Computer Applications – 12/16/09
I. Bellwork List 5 different functions contained on the function list. II. Objectives: Use functions to perform calculations Apply sorting to documents III. Classwork A. Pgs. 262-264 Loan B. Pgs 265-267 Car Sales C. Micro Type Pro Lesson 10 (Lessons 9-12 are due Friday) IV. Test Retakes Today V. Notebook Check Friday
Computer Applications – 12/15/09
I. Bellwork A. What is an absolute cell reference? B. Provide an example of an absolute cell reference II. Objectives: Use functions to perform calculations Apply sorting to documents III. Classwork A. Pgs. 255-256 Planets Part 2 B. Pgs 259-261 Payroll Part 1 C. Micro Type Pro Lesson 10 (Lessons 9-12 are due Friday) IV. […]