February, 2017

Sociology – 3/01/17

I.  Bellwork A.  Page S13 in the front (Q&A) What is the first step in developing a hypothesis? How does Step #4 differ from step #1? Explain what happens in step #5? II.  Objectives: Examine the different ways that reality is constructed (by media, institutions, individuals, ideals) and the various ways that various people approach […]

Personal Finance – 3/01/17

I.  Bellwork – A $3,500 bedroom set is discounted by 35 1/2 % What’s the discount amount? Show your work What’s the sale price? Show your work II.  Objectives: Content OBJ: compute a discount and a selling price for multiples of an item Lang OBJ: explain verbally how to calculate a discount and a selling […]

Economics – 3/01/17

I.  Bellwork A.    Eminent Domain and Property Rights Q&A What do you believe is the authors intent/message? Identify two restrictions under which the government must operate when exercising eminent domain authority. Explain the two qualities a public good must have. Explain why private property rights are important. Video: Eminent Domain and Property Rights II.  […]

Sociology – 2/27/17

I.  Bellwork What was the most difficult part of creating your skit? How would you describe the contributions by your group members? Be specific. II.  Objectives: Present and analyze presentations which demonstrate the application of the main sociological theories. Critic and write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen […]

Personal Finance – 2/28/17

I  Bellwork – A.  Convert the following into decimals. Round to the fourth decimal place if necessary. 48 3/4% 12 1/2% 67 1/3% 97 6/7% II.  Objectives: Content OBJ: compute a discount and a selling price from a percentage with a fraction Lang OBJ: explain verbally how to calculate a discount and a selling price […]

Economics – 2/28/2017

I.  Bellwork : John Stuart Mill – The Role of Government A.  Question & Answer Find at least 4 words you do not know the meaning of and list them. Identify at least two areas of concern where John Stuart Mill identifies government as serving a purpose? Explain at least one example he uses to support […]

Sociology – 2/27/17

I.  Bellwork A,  Read Page 20  Sociology Close Up (Q&A) What observations did Duneier make? What were Duneier’s conclusions?. II.  Objectives: Identify and explain the steps in the research process. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text III. Skits Presentations due on Tuesday A.  SSR: Read pages 20-27 […]

Personal Finance – 2/27/17

I  Bellwork – A   A $1499.99  couch set is discounted by 35 % What’s the discount amount? Show your work What’s the sale price? Show your work B.  You purchase $267.59 worth of merchandise at Kohl’s  and have a 20% off coupon/ What’s the discount amount? Show your work What’s the sale price? Show your […]

Economics – 2/27/17

I. Bellwork:  Complete a Four Square on the cartoon below II. Objective:  Evaluate  differing points of view on the minimum wage by viewing, discussing and assessing various claims, reasoning, and evidence. Integrate information about the minimum wage from diverse sources, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources in order to […]

Personal Finance- 2/17/17

I  Bellwork – A   $3499 bedroom set is discounted by 25 % What’s the discount amount? Show your work What’s the sale price? Show your work B.  You purchase $179.79 worth of merchandise at Macys and have a 20% off pass/ What’s the discount amount? Show your work What’s the sale price? Show your work […]

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