January, 2012
All Classes – 1/31/12
I. Bellwork: Personal Inventory II. Objective: Become familiar with classroom policies and procedures III. Read & Discuss Course Syllabus A. Take it home and get it signed Comp App Syllabus 2011 Economics Syllabus 2011 IV. Class-Procedures& Policies Computer Apps or Class-Procedures & Policies-Economics A. Discussion and Copy them in your Notebook
All Classes – 1/30/12
Find Your Seat I. Bellwork: Describe any positive outcomes or accomplishments you had last semester. Describe anything negative that may have happened to you last semester. II. Schedule: 7:20 – 8:00 Old 1st hour – Homeroom – Video Announcement from Mr. Mosallam 7:50 – 8:00 8:05 – 8:25 1st hour 8:30 – 8:50 […]
Economics – 1/26/12-1/27/12
Final Exam Schedule 1st Class– 7:20-8:50 10 Minute Break 2nd Class– 9:00-10:30 Leave the Building Turn off and put away phones during the Final Turn in any partially complete participation forms If you decide to get up and walk around or move seats before the dismissal bell, – 5 point deduction on your final. Federal […]
Computer Applications – 1/25/12
Final Exam Schedule 1st Hour – 7:20-8:50 10 Minute Break 2nd Hour – 9:00-10:30 Leave the Building Final Part II- Excel and PowerPoint The Excel Spreadsheet should look exactly like the handout, but with totals. Print it. Read the directions for the PowerPoint Handout. Pictures/Clip Art can be found on the I: drive. Final […]
Economics – 1/24/12
I. Bellwork: Q&A What has happened to demand? List four situations that could cause this? List 2 fiscal policies that can slow down the economy What is the largest component of GDP? List 3 forms of assistance the government provides to farmers II. Objective Review micro and macroeconomic concepts for final exam III. Turn […]
Computer Applications – 1/24/12
I. Final Exam Part I A. Start & Finish – Mail Merge Activity Read & follow the directions Print the Report Create and Print the Letter II. Tomorrow-Final Part II · Excel & PowerPoint · iLearn Quiz Questions (Study Bellwork & Post Test)
Computer Applications – 1/23/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn: Many of these questions will appear on the final exam II. Objective: Creating and Formatting a Spreadsheet Using Formulas and Creating Charts Creating and Formatting a PowerPoint Presentation, adding pictures and charts III. Do not forget to complete the Post Test on iLearn IV. Book Fine $2.00 V. Final Starts Tomorrow (Mail Merge) […]
Economics – 1/23/12
I. Bellwork: Q&A 1. Which curve is more inelastic? 2. What would cause a movement from point a to point b? 3. What is the movement from point b to point b1 called? 4. List three monetary policies that can stimulate the economy? 5. What is the formula for computing GDP? II. Return your books […]
Computer Applications – 1/20/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn: Many of these questions will appear on the final exam II. Objective: Creating and Formatting a Spreadsheet Using Formulas and Creating Charts Creating and Formatting a PowerPoint Presentation, adding pictures and charts III. Do not forget to complete the Post Test on iLearn IV. Classwork Spreadsheet and PowerPoint Review Sheet V. Book Fine […]
Economics – 1/20/12
I. Bellwork Q&A Page 484 2-5 II. Objective: Identify how international economic organizations use a variety of tools in an attempt to promote economic growth within a developing country III. Don’t Forget to finish the Post Test IV. Discussion · Ethiopia: Humbo Forest Reclamation Project · What is the IMF? What does the IMF do? […]