September, 2016

Sociology – 9/30/16

I.  Bellwork: Q&A What is spurious correlation? Provide an example. II.  Objectives: Form groups to conduct a sociological study using the research process. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain. III.  Classwork A.  Class Activity Conducting Interviews p. 24 […]

Personal Finance – 9/30/16

I.  Bellwork – Show Work Carpet is $32/sq. yd. How much is it per sq foot? (1 sq. yd = 9 sq. ft.) Your basement is 28’x15′ and you want to install new tile on the floor. The tile is 2’x2′.  How many tiles will you need to buy.  (Round to the nearest tile). The […]

Economics – 9/30/16

I.  Bellwork              Questions & Answers What is happening in the cartoon? Explain the point that is being made about communism? Explain the point that is being made about capitalism? II.  Objective: Review concepts and principles which focus on how economic systems allocate resources, the evaluation of economic performance, and the role of government in the […]

Personal Finance – 9/29/2016

I.  Bellwork – Show Work A  Ford Focus traveled 310 miles & filled up with 10.4 gallons of gas. How many mpg did it get? B.  Your car gets 17 miles a gallon, you are planning a 379 mile trip.  How many gallons of gas will you need to get you to your destination? II.  […]

Economics – 9/29/16

I.  Bellwork A.    Eminent Domain and Property Rights   Q&A What do you believe is the authors intent/message? Identify two restrictions under which the government must operate when exercising eminent domain authority. Explain the two qualities a public good must have. Explain why private property rights are important. Video: Eminent Domain and Property Rights II.  […]

Sociology – 9/29/16

I.  Bellwork A.  Page S13 in the front (Q&A) What is the first step in developing a hypothesis? How does Step #4 differ from step #1? Explain what happens in step #5? II.  Objectives: Examine the different ways that reality is constructed (by media, institutions, individuals, ideals) and the various ways that various people approach […]

Personal Finance – 9/28/16

I.  Bellwork: A.  Determine the tip you should leave to the nearest dollar. Show work Your restaurant bill is $36.99, you received exceptional service, what should the tip amount be? Your restaurant bill is $101.89, you received the service was good, what should the tip amount be? Your restaurant bill is $52.69, you received the […]

Economics – 9/28/16

I.  Bellwork : John Stuart Mill – The Role of Government A.  Question & Answer Find at least 4 words you do not know the meaning of and list them. Identify at least two areas of concern where John Stuart Mill promotes government serving a purpose? Explain at least one example he uses to support his […]

Sociology- 9/28/16

I.  Bellwork What was the most difficult part of creating your skit? How would you describe the contributions by your group members? Be specific. II.  Objectives: Present and analyze presentations which demonstrate the application of the main sociological theories. Critic and write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen […]

Personal Finance – 9/27/16

I.  Bellwork: What is the interest at 7% on $3,500 for 20 days using a 360-day year? What is the interest at 7% on $3,500 for 3 years and 3 months? II. Objectives: Content OBJ: calculate gratuity Lang OBJ: explain how to calculate gratuity III.   Classwork Simple Interest Review on iLearn Tipping/Gratuity Calculating Gratuity on […]

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