November, 2019

Accounting – 11/26/19

I.  Bellwork Budget Challenge Quiz and Check II Objectives: Analyze and explain the adjustments for supplies and prepaid insurance. Explain and create a sequence map demonstrating the four questions to ask  when recording adjusting entries on a worksheet Apply the proper procedures to record and complete the Adjustments columns of a worksheet. III.  Discussion/Notebook Work […]

AP Economics – 11/26/19

I. Bellwork Page 665 Multiple Choice 1-5 Letter and Answer II.  Objectives Determine the prices and profits in both in the short run and the long run for Monopolistic Competition Construct and interpret graphs for short run and the long run monopolistic competition .Compare long run equilibrium on Perfect competition to long run equilibrium in […]

Economics – 11/26/19

I.  Bellwork: On iLearn II.  Objectives: §  Given various scenarios distinguish between progressive, regressive, and proportional taxes §  Identify and classify taxes as progressive, regressive, and proportional according to the methods implemented to generate revenue. §  Analyze and discuss the merits of various methods in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth. III. […]

Accounting – 11/25/19

I.   Bellwork Page 157 1-2 Q&A II.   Objectives: Prepare the heading of a worksheet demonstrating proper format . Create a sequence map demonstrating the six-step process for preparing a trial balance on a worksheet and utilize the procedures to prepare the trial balance section of a work sheet . Discuss the importance of […]

AP Economics – 11/25/19

I.  Bellwork (Open in a new tab) II.  Objectives: Discuss the legal constraints of antitrust policy Explain how repeated interactions among oligopolists can result in collusion in the absence of any formal agreement Explain the cause and effect of price wars, product differentiation, price leadership, and nonprice competition Describe the importance of oligopoly in the […]

Economics – 11/25/19

I.  Bellwork: A.  Tax holidays Link  – Questions & Answers 1) In what month do most states offer Sales Tax Holidays? 2) According to the lists, What 4 items are often most  included in the tax holidays? II.  Objective: §  Given various scenarios distinguish between progressive, regressive, and proportional taxes §  Identify and classify taxes […]

Accounting – 11/22/19

I. Bellwork: Budget Challenge II. Learning Objectives: Discover money personality, including spending and saving propensity Describe the reasons for maintaining a budget Build a budget by prioritizing needs and wants Develop a system for tracking income, spending, and savings Devise a contingency plan for covering unexpected expenses III. Classwork Lesson 3 Budgeting IV. Exit Ticket […]

AP Economics – 11/22/19

I.  Bellwork Based upon the Payoff Matrix below: Does McDonald’s have a dominant strategy?  Explain. Does Burger King have a dominant strategy?  Explain Is there a Nash/Non-cooperative equilibrium/ Explain II.  Objectives: Construct and interpret payoff matrices. Explain the payoffs, dominant strategies, and Nash equilibrium given a payoff matrix III.  Classwork  Pages 656-657 Check Your Understanding […]

Economics – 11/22/19

I.  Bellwork: Q&A – Page 231 Economic Analysis Page 235 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze and evaluate the methods in which the government generates revenue. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text Identify and classify taxes as progressive, regressive, and proportional according to the methods implemented to generate […]

Accounting – 11/21/19

I.  Bellwork:   A.  Internet Search:  Accounting Control – Segregation of Duties Explain the concept of segregation of duties in accounting. Provide an example of segregation of duties in accounting Explain why is segregation of duties is important to a business. II  Objectives: Interpret, analyze, and journalize financial transactions in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures. […]

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