AP Micro Economics F2019
AP Macro – 2/03/2020
I. Bellwork Page 120 FRQ #2 – Show work II. Objectives Explain how unemployment is measured discuss and analyze the unemployment rate, it’s criteria, and it’s significance based upon interpretation of maps, statistics data, and multimedia resources. Interpret and analyze numerical data and form decisions III. Measuring and Calculating Unemployment pgs. 121-127 A. The Unemployment […]
AP Economics – 1/13/2020
I. AP Classroom – Progress Check Unit 2 & Unit 4 Extra Credit +2 Summative for a B or above II. Micro Final Exam A. FRQ: Tuesday – Tomorrow 3 Questions – 1 big one – 2 medium https://www.acdcecon.com/frq-topics B. MC: Wednesday – 60 questions
AP Economics – 1/09/2020
I. Bellwork iLearn Module 78 Questions II. Objective Apply knowledge economic concepts to various problems to assess understanding III. Classwork Post Test on Precision Exams (Extra 5 summative if you earn a certificate) IV. Review A, Clifford Micro Review Video B Materials on iLearn PPT Graphs Section 10: 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 Section 11: 4.1, 4.2, […]
AP Economics – 1/08/2020
I. Bellwork Page 768 MC 1-5 II. Objectives: Define poverty and describe its causes and consequences Explain how income inequality in America has changed over time Discuss how Social Security and similar programs affect poverty and income inequality III. Discussion Income Inequality & Income Distribution P.770-781 A. The Problem of Poverty Trends in Poverty Who […]
AP Economics – 1/07/2020
I. Bellwork A. Page 761 MC 1-5 B. Page 762 #2 a & b II. Objectives Identify the three major antitrust laws and describe how they are used to promote competition Explain how government regulation is used to prevent inefficiency in the case of natural monopoly Discuss the pros and cons of using marginal cost […]
AP Economics – 1/06/2020
I Bellwork Page 758 FYI – Explain a solution that may assist in resolving the problem II. Objectives: Characterize public goods and explain why markets fail to supply efficient quantities of public goods Define artificially scarce goods and explain why they are underconsumed Describe how government intervention in the production and consumption of these types […]
AP Economics – Winter Break
Winter Break Work – Part 1 I Module 74 Introduction to Externalities – Read pages 733-738 A. PPT & Videos See the Winter Break Folder on iLearn for Module 74 PPT and Negative Externalities PPT Externalities Negative Externalities and the Coase Theorem Externalities: When Is a Potato Chip Not Just a Potato Chip? Do you […]
AP Economics – 12/20/19
I. Over Break We will cover at least 2 modules over holiday break (Module 74 and 75) Everything will be on the blog and iLearn. I will post assignments on Monday 12/23 and they will be due by 12/29 II. . Section 13 Exam FRQ on iLearn MC on iLearn
AP Economics – 12/19/19
I. Bellwork: Pgs 731 A. Free Response #1 III. Objectives Explain how the factor markets determine the factor distribution of income Explain how the demand for the factors of production leads to the marginal productivity theory of income distribution Determine the equilibrium wage and level of employment in the labor market for firms operating in […]