June, 2014

Economics SS – 6/30/14

I. Objectives: Identify economic goals which are used to evaluate economic performance. Examine and discuss the role of government in an economy. Identify the characteristics of a free enterprise economy and the roles of entrepreneurs, government, and consumers. II. Copy the diagram: –Economic Goals & Examples A. Provide Examples for each Pgs 44-45 Economic Equity […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/30/14

I.  Objectives: Format bulleted and numbered lists Format hanging indents and first line indents Create footnotes and endnotes Insert and manipulate graphics Create an HTML file from a Word Document II.  Classwork: A.  Pgs 108-110 Contini Picnic Files for the Exercises below can found at: https://www.emcp.com/college_resource_centers/listonline.php?GroupID=10504 B.  P. 117 Exercise 3 C.  Pgs 117-118 Exercise […]

Economics -6/27/14

I. Objective: Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies and examine how these are employed under different governmental systems. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Identify economic goals which are used to […]

Computer Apps SS – 6/27/14

I.  Objectives: Format bulleted and numbered lists Format hanging indents and first line indents Create footnotes and endnotes Insert and manipulate graphics Create an HTML file from a Word Document II.  Classwork A.  Pgs 114 -115 Review Questions & Answers  #19, 21, 25-30, 32 B.  Pgs 102-103 Training Part 5 C.  Pgs 104-105 Training Part […]

Economics SS- 6/26/14

I. SWD: an understanding of basic economic concepts such as scarcity, the flow of economic activity,and decision making models used to demonstrate trade-offs by successfully passing the Chapter 1 assessment. II. Production Possibility Frontier Questions (Q&A) What does a PPF measure? What does a point on the production possibility frontier curve illustrate? What does a […]

Computer Apps SS – 6/26/14

I.  Chapter 3 Objectives: Explain the usages and applications of margins, line spacing, indents, and tabs. Adjust margins Apply paragraph formats such as line spacing and indents Position text using tabs and tab stops II.  Classwork A.  Make a Screen Copy and Label each: Left line indent marker P 87 Right line indent marker P […]

Economics SS – 6/25/14

I.  Notebook Work – Copy  the diagrams below         II.   Quick Section 1-1 Review A. Discussion  Economics Importance Need & Wants Scarcity- Diagram Factors of Production Entrepreneur Importance III. Section 1-1 iLearn Quiz IV. Section 1-2- Classwork   A. Section 1-2 Review Questions below: Q&A Four examples of goods Four examples of […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/25/14

 I.   Objective: Identify and apply formatting and other commonly used ribbons and buttons to create Word documents. II. Classwork A.  Orientation Part 3 Pgs 61-63 Finish the last steps & I will show you how to print it. B. Pages 74-75 Exercise 1 C.  Pages 75-76 Exercise 2 – Summative D.  Page 76 Exercise […]

Comp Apps SS – 6/24/14

I.  Objective: Identify and apply formatting and other commonly used ribbons and buttons to create Word documents. Demonstrate techniques for selecting, copying, and moving text Insert special characters Apply paragraph formats Create hyperlinks to a Web page and to an e-mail address Use the thesaurus to display a list of synonyms II. Classwork A.  Windows […]

Intro to Business SS – 6/24/14

I. Objectives: Examine the benefits of obtaining a higher education Explain how decisions at one stage of your life can affect your options at other stages. Describe techniques for coping with change Describe and prepare an application letter II. Classwork: A. In iLearn create questions for the Chapter 1 Quiz after the break – Read […]

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