Current Events
Current Events – 1/11/11
Last Day is 1/13/11 for our class. I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Provide all the necessary information on the current events article summary sheet (2). II. Complete the attachment for each article. Using CNN daily Discussion and […]
Current Events – 1/04/11
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Provide all the necessary information on the current events article summary sheet (2). II. Complete the attachment for each article. Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based […]
Current Events – 12/14/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Provide all the necessary information on the current events article summary sheet (2). II. Complete the attachment for each article. Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based […]
Current Events – 12/09/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. II. Complete the attachment for each article. . Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that day. III. Examine […]
Currrent Events – 11/30/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. II. Complete the attachment for each article. . Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that day. III. Examine […]
Current Events – 11/23/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. New currenteventsarticle Summary II. Complete the attachment for each article. . Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that […]
Current Events – 11/09/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Complete the attachment for each article. New currenteventsarticle Summary II. Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that day. II. Examine the […]
Current Events – 11/04/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Complete the attachment for each article. New currenteventsarticle Summary II. Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that day. […]
Current Events – 10/28/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Complete the attachment for each article. New currenteventsarticle Summary II. Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that day. III. […]
Current Events – 10/26/10
I. Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. Complete the attachment for each article. New currenteventsarticle Summary II. Using CNN daily Discussion and News Quiz write and Answer questions based upon the CNN News video and transcripts for that day. II. Examine the […]