Economics W2011
Economics – 1/19/12
I. Bellwork Complete Instructor Evaluation Fall 2011 – Economics on iLearn II. Objective Complete Evaluation and Post Test III. Book Fine $3.00 IV. Notebook Check: · 4th Hour & 5th Hour-Today V. Chapter 16 Retake after School Today VI. Classwork Economics – Post Test o Scores >100 get +5 summative Try Playing 3rd World Farmer
Economics – 10/04/11
I. Bellwork – Q &A II. Objective: Determine what creates demand and what factors cause demand to change III. Discuss Demand Pages 91-95 IV. Classwork Page 91 Vocabulary 11 4.1 Guided Reading Activity
Economics – 6/08/11 – 6/10/11
I. Return any books or CDs II. Pay book fine or return missing class books. III. Final Exam A. Graph & Constructive response B. Multiple Choice IV. Chapter 16 iLearn Retake after Final V. Extra credit Evaluation on iLearn +1 summative
Economics – 6/07/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A 1. What is the price of gold at D and S? 2. What is the price of gold at D and S2? 3. What is the price of gold at D1 and S2? II. Review for Final Final Practice III. Other Things Return your books/CD’s Course Evaluation on iLearn […]
Economics – 6/06/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A What has happened to demand? List four things that could cause this? II. Objective Review micro and macroeconomic concepts for final exam III. Discuss Final Exam Review IV. Turn in your Economic books or CD’s No Book – No Final
Economics – 6/03/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A Economic Analysis p 457 Economic Analysis p 459 Economic Analysis p 460 II. Objective Review micro and macroeconomic concepts for final exam III. Discuss Final Exam Review Part 1 IV. Chapter 16 Test on iLearn ends Sunday V. Turn in your Economic books or CD’s No Book – No Final
Economics – 6/02/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A II. Objective Review the concepts of comparative and absolute advantage, the impact of trade policies and exchange rates on international trade. III. Classwork: Chapter-16-Review IV. Chapter 16 Test on iLearn – closes Sunday
Economics – 6/01/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A P. 449 Reading Check P. 452 Reading Check P. 454 Reading Check II. Objective Assess the impact of trade policies, monetary policy, exchange rates, and interest rates on domestic activity and world trade. Analyze how the decisions made by a country’s central bank (or the Federal Reserve) impact a nation’s international trade […]
Economics – 5/31/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A P. 227 Analyzing the Issue Q&A 1-2 What is the positive and negative effect of offshoring to U.S. residents? II. Objective Assess the impact of trade policies, monetary policy, exchange rates, and interest rates on domestic activity and world trade. III. Review 16-1 Absolute and Comparative Advantage Discuss 16-2 Barriers to International […]
Economics – 5/27/11
I. Bellwork: Q&A – Show work for #3 Absolute & Comparative Worksheet Country X Country Y Grapefruit 10/tons 15/tons Olives 40/tons 30/tons 1. Which country has the absolute advantage in producing grapefruit? 2. Which country has the absolute advantage in producing olives? 3. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing grapefruit? 4. Which country […]