May 17

AP Economics

Dear Colleague,

Today we reached the midway point of the two-week primary administration. We couldn’t be more proud of the hundreds of thousands of students who showed up for the opportunity to claim the college credit they worked for all year, despite widespread school closures.

Students have taken nearly 2.2 million AP® Exams, across 15 courses. After the first week of testing, our data show the vast majority of students successfully completed their exams.

However, some students have encountered challenges submitting their responses, and we’ve been listening closely to each student, parent, or educator who reports a problem. Beginning Monday, May 18, we’re changing processes to address some of these concerns.

To help support your students during testing, please share the information below with them.
Submitting Exam Responses
We share the deep disappointment of students who were unable to submit responses.
•Beginning Monday, May 18, and continuing through the makeup window, there will be a backup email submission process for browser-based exams.
•This option will only be available for students who were not able to submit in the standard process—and they must then email their responses immediately following their exam.
•These students will see instructions about how to email their response on the page that says, “We Did Not Receive Your Response.” The email address that appears on this page will be unique to each student.
•Any student testing between May 18–22 who can’t successfully upload their response through the exam platform or send it to us by email, will need to request a makeup exam.
•To protect the security and validity of exams, we’re unable to accept submissions from students who tested May 11–15. However, these students can feel confident that the email option will be in place for them during the makeup exams
•Email submissions will not be available for the World Language exams.
Setting Up Your Students for Success
Given the wide variety of devices, browsers, and connectivity solutions students have access to, we’re unable to prevent every possible local error from occurring during the exam. In advance of the administration, we created a testing guideExam demo, and test day checklist to help students avoid potential issues. It’s important that students review this information and know to:
•Locate their e-ticket, which is emailed two days before each exam
•Use a recommended browser, update it to the latest version, and disable plugins
•Keep an eye on the time and begin their submission at the 5-minute mark
Additional tips to help your students succeed are available here.

Students taking World Language and Culture exams, which begin on Monday, May 18, must:
•Download the free AP World Languages Exam App (WLEA)
•Set their device to “Do Not Disturb”
•Check to ensure they have enough storage on their device
World Language students should also watch the exam walk-through video, and check our website for more guidance.

Thank you for all you continue to do to support your students during this challenging time.

With gratitude,

Advanced Placement Program
May 11

AP Economics – 5/11-5/15

This is the last classwork week for seniors

You will need to prepare yourself and your computer for the AP Exam

I have posted review video links on Google Classroom and as new materials become available I will also post them

Due this week

Unit 5 Study Guide on Google Classroom – Wednesday

You can pick any other Study Guide Micro or Macro to Complete by Friday

  • Go to iLearn
  • Scroll down to the bottom and find the Ultimate Review Folders
  • Select a STUDY GUIDE from either of the folders to complete
  • Submit to Google Classroom by Friday
May 04

AP Economics – 5/04-5/08

Meetings will return to Big Blue Button – i have been told it’s fixed

2nd Period AP Econ – 12:00 – 12:30 pm Tues & Thursday

Work for Wednesday and Friday is below:

II.  Objectives

  • Explain the difference between short-run and long-run macroeconomic equilibrium
  • Describe the causes and effects of demand shocks and supply shocks
  • Determine if an economy is experiencing a recessionary or an inflationary gap and explain how to calculate the size of an output gap

III.  Discuss Video Assignment on iLearn

IV.   Equilibrium in the Aggregate Demand/Supply Model pgs 192-199

V. Notebook

  A.  Bridge Map  P194

  • Impact of Negative Demand Shocks
  • Impact of Positive Demand Shocks

B.  Bridge Map  P195

  • Impact of Negative Supply Shocks
  • Impact of Positive Supply Shocks

C.   Discuss stagflation

D.  Copy and Label Figure 19.4 p 196

E.  Short Run to Long Run

  • Impact of Recessionary Gap
  • Impact of Inflationary Gap

Macro 3.3- Long Run Aggregate Supply, Recession, and Inflation (LRAS)


II.  Objectives

  • Discuss how the AS–AD model is used to formulate macroeconomic policy
  • Explain the rationale for stabilization policy
  • Describe the importance of fiscal policy as a tool for managing economic fluctuations
  • Identify the policies that constitute expansionary fiscal policy and those that constitute contractionary fiscal policy

III. Economic Policy Aggregate Demand & Supply Model pgs 201-208

A Macroeconomic Policy

  1. Policy in the Face of Demand Shocks – Examples
  2. Responding to Supply Shocks – Difficult and only resolves one on the issues

B.  Fiscal Policy: The Basics

  1. Taxes, Purchases of Goods and Services, Government Transfers, and Borrowing
  • Explain in terms of Expansionary & Contractionary Policy
  1. The Government Budget and Total Spending
  2. Expansionary and Contractionary Fiscal Policy
  3. A Cautionary Note: Lags in Fiscal Policy
  • Major Lags -Recognition, Decision, & Implementation

iV,  Read Exam Tip on Page 207

V.  Classwork

  • 20.5 WS on iLearn – Due Friday

Apr 27

AP Economics – 4/27/2020

I. AP Testing Information

Some of you need to check your email from AP and complete the survey they sent you weeks ago

A. Review other important information below:


II.  Objectives:

  • Use the aggregate supply curve to illustrate the relationship between the aggregate price level and the quantity of aggregate output supplied in the economy
  • Identify the factors can shift the aggregate supply curve
  • Explain why the aggregate supply curve is different in the short run from in the long run

III.  Discuss: Video Assignment Updated on i Learn

IV.  Aggregate Demand:  Introduction & Determinants pages 180-191

A,  Aggregate Supply – Clifford

B.  Short-run Aggregate Supply

  • Wages and Resource Prices WILL NOT increase as price levels increase.

C,  Noteboook:  Factors that shift Short-Run Aggregate Supply and Graphs (Page 185)

D,  Long-run Aggregate Supply

  • Wages and Resource Prices WILL increase as price levels increase.

V.  Classwork – Submit to Google Classroom

  • Page 178-179 Tackle the Test 1-5 & p. 171 #2 – Due Wednesday
  • 3.2 Aggregate supply Practice on iLearn – Due Wednesday
  • 18.1 & 18.3  on iLearn – Due on Friday
Apr 23

AP Economics – 4/24/2020

I. Objectives:

  • Use the aggregate demand curve to illustrate the relationship between the aggregate price level and the quantity of aggregate output demanded in the economy
  • Explain how the wealth effect and interest rate effect give the aggregate demand curve a negative slope
  • Identify the factors that can shift the aggregate demand curve

II.  Notebook Work

A.  Consumption function Graph P.164-165

B.  Page 175 Aggregate Demand Graph

C.  P. 174 Why Is Aggregate Demand Downward Sloping? 

D.  P. 176 Factors that Shift Aggregate Demand 

III. Discussion Videos:

IV.  Classwork

  • Macro 3.1 Practice iLearn
  • 17.1 & 17.2 on iLearn


Macro Unit 3 Practice- AD/AS and Multipliers

Apr 20

AP Economics – 4/20/2020


I.  Objectives:

  • Describe the multiplier process by which initial changes in spending lead to further changes in spending
  • Use the consumption function to show how current disposable income affects consumer spending
  • Explain how expected future income and aggregate wealth affect consumer spending
  • Identify the determinants of investment spending
  • Explain why investment spending is considered a leading indicator of the future state of the economy

II.  Income & Expenditure  pages 159-169

A.  The Multiplier

  1. Marginal Propensity to Consume  MPC = (Δ Consumer Spending/Δ Yd)
  2. Spending Multiplier   1/(1-MPC)
  3. Consumer Spending   Yd = C + S  &  MPC + MPS = 1
  4. Current Disposable Income and Consumer Spending  
  5. Macro 3.9- Multiplier Effect, MPC, and MPS (AP Macroeconomics)
  6. The Multiplier Effect- Macro 3.9B

B.Shifts of the Aggregate Consumption Function C= a + MPC × Yd

  1. Changes in Expected Future Disposable Income
  2. Changes in Aggregate Wealth

C. Investment Spending


  1. The Interest Rate and Investment Spending
  2. Expected Future Real GDP, Production Capacity, and Investment Spending

D. Inventories & Unplanned Investment Spending pg 169 – Thinking Map (Positive and Negative Planned Inventory)

III.  Classwork

  • Homework 16.1 & 16.2 WS on iLearn
  • Module 16 iLearn Part A Questions

Apr 13

AP Economics – 4/13/2020

Put the Bellwork and classwork together and submit to Google Classroom

I.  Bellwork

  • Page 275 FRQ #2

ii.  Objectives:

  • Examine the relations between the money market and loanable funds graph
  • Construct economic models for loanable funds and determine how factors influence the supply, demand, and interest rate of loanable funds.
  • Interpret and explain economic models relating to the loanable funds market

III.  Review:  Money Market vs. Loanable Funds Market- Macro Unit 4.15

IV. Notebook:  P279 Copy & label Figure 29.3

V.  Classwork:

  • 4.7 Loanable Funds Parts 1&2