October, 2017
Accounting – 11/01/17
I. Bellwork Learning Plan- Due tomorrow signed My Learning Plan Slides II. Objectives Utilize the proper procedures to record transactions in the general ledger Demonstrate the proper application of accounting terminology and concepts Explain the proper technique in opening an account Develop and write a sample goal plan for class focusing on a course of […]
Management – 11/01/17
I. Bellwork Google Classroom Page 299 Reaction Question II. Objectives: Describe the role of information in a modern business. Describe how the Internet provides information to users. Describe the basic technology infrastructure used by businesses. III. Discussion: Informational Technology Fundamentals pgs. 300-303 The difference between the Internet and the Web Intranet & Extranet IV. Classwork […]
Marketing – 11/01/17
I. Bellwork Q&A A). p. 395 How does endorsement by a research company benefit a business? B). p. 396 How does direct marketing differ from advertising? II. Objectives: Distinguish between public relations and publicity. Explain the elements of a news release. Describe the concept of the promotional mix. Create thinking maps to analyze promotional concepts […]
Marketing – 10/31/17
I. Bellwork – Google Classroom Page 391 Visual Literacy Question – Answer & Explain II. Objectives: Explain the role of promotion in business and advertising. Identify types of promotion. Distinguish between public relations and publicity. Explain the elements of a news release. Describe the concept of the promotional mix. III. The Promotional Mix pgs. 395-403 […]
Accounting – 10/31/17
I. Bellwork page 119 Nike’s Financial Statement 1-3 Q&A II. Objectives Apply and review how to create a chart of accounts, post to a ledger, and correct accounting errors. III. Classwork: Finish- Automated Accounting 4M p.117 Aplia – Chapter 4 Review Sheet IV. Chapter 4 Test Tomorrow
Management – 10/31/17
I. Bellwork Page 240 #13-15 Q&A II. Objectives: Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings. Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively. III.Classwork Present – International Business Research Project Finish EverFi Credit Score Module
Marketing – 10/30/17
I. Bellwork Page 52 #11 Show your work II. Objectives: Make strategic use of digital media in the presentations to enhance understanding of the various types of market segmentations. Orally explain market segmentation and its components. Conduct a SWAT analysis, identify the target market and suggest a marketing mix III. Classwork – A. Finish […]
Accounting – 10/30/17
I. Bellwork Page 113 Q&A 1-4 II. Objectives analyze and interpret financial transactions recording them in a general journal and maintain ledger balances apply multi-step procedures based on explanations in the text to record and post financial transactions. III. Classwork: On Automated Accounting (See iLearn for link) 4M Automated Accounting p. 117 IV. Ledger Balance […]
Management – 10/30/17
I. Bellwork Google Classroom A. Explain what was the easiest part of your project. B. Explain what was the most difficult part of your project II. Objectives: Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings. Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings effectively. […]
Accounting – 10/27/17
I. Bellwork Page 108 Audit Your Understanding 2-3 Q&A II. Objectives Analyze incorrect journal entries and prepare correcting entries Demonstrate how to correct errors made during posting III. Read and Discuss: Pages 109-111 Journalizing Correcting Entries and Correcting Posting Errors IV. Quiz on Monday – Determining balances on a Ledger V. Classwork On Aplia- 4-3 […]