Economics F2012

Economics- 1/23/13-1/25/13

I.  Final Exam Application Problem- 25 Multiple Choice Test- 100 II. Things not to do: Talking during the Test -5 (even if you are finished) Asking to go to the restroom, see another teacher, or leave early -5 Out of seat or standing -5 (even if you are finished) before the bell rings

Economics – 1/22/13

I.  Bellwork Copy and Complete the Application II.  Objective: Review and discuss economic principles and concepts in preparation for the final exam III.  Return Your Text Books No textbook return = -5 on Final IV.  Final Exam Review Sheet             Additional stuff to know for your final What factors influence growth in developing countries?  

Economics – 1/19-1/21


Economics – 1/18/13

I.  Bellwork Complete Instructor Evaluation Fall 2012 – Economics  on iLearn II. Objective Complete Course Evaluation and Post Test. Use post test results to reflect upon those Economic skills and concepts that need to reviewed before the final exam. III. Turn in Your Books after school today IV. Study the Review Sheet over the weekend – Final […]

Economics – 1/17/03

I.  Bellwork Ch17 – Enrichment Q&A 1-4 II. Objective: Analyze the impact of transitional economies on the global economy in general and the American economy in particular. III.  Turn in Textbooks IV.  If you act inappropriately today, I will give you a zero and a detention for next semester. V.  Classwork – Put everything (Classwork A & […]

Economics – 1/16/13

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A Which curve is more inelastic? What would cause a movement from point a to point b? What is the movement from point b to point b1 called? Explain the paradox of value II. Objective:  Review economic principles and concepts to prepare for the Final Exam III. Return your Economic books (-5 off […]

Economics – 1/15/2013

I.  Bellwork  Q&A Page 504-505 Explain how globalization has lead to interdependence. P527 #27 II. Objective- Produce clear and coherent 6+1 essay based upon discussion of the previously viewed video and construction of double bubble map in which demonstrates the criteria areas of  content and  organization. Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and […]

Economics – 1/14/13

I.  Bellwork: Pgs. 502-503 Q&A How has globalization led to outsourcing? What is outsourcing? What is the cost associated with outsourcing? What are the benefits associated with outsourcing? II. Objective Examine the role globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing play in the economy. III.  Classwork A. Is Wal-Mart Good for America? B. Questions:  Is Walmart Good […]

Economics – 1/11/13

I.  Bellwork:   You are planning on traveling to Mexico for a vacation.  You have just learned that the peso has weakened.  Is that good or bad news to you?  Explain your answer. P. 459 Economic Analysis – Q&A P. 460 Economic Analysis- Q&A II. Objective: Assess students comprehension of the reasons behind trade and […]

Economics – 1/10/13

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Explain how quotas on foreign goods impact domestic industries. Explain how quotas on foreign goods impact foreign industries. Explain how quotas on foreign goods impact domestic workers. Explain how quotas on foreign goods impact domestic consumers. II. Objective Analyze how the decisions made by a country’s central bank (or the Federal Reserve) […]

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