December, 2018

AP Economics Winter Break Work Part 2

I.  Externalities and Public Policy pgs. 740-750 A.  Videos Micro 6.3 Negative Externalities Micro 6.4 Positive Externalities B.  Homework on iLearn 75.2 WS 75.3 WS A 75.3 WSB Section 75 Questions  

AP Economics – Winter Break Work Part 1

I.  Introduction to Externalities – Read pages 733-738 A. PPT &  Videos See the Winter Break Folder on iLearn for Module 74 PPT and Negative Externalities PPT Externalities Negative Externalities and the Coase Theorem Externalities: When Is a Potato Chip Not Just a Potato Chip? Do you now anyone who is a negative or positive […]

Accounting – 12/21/18

I.  Bellwork:  on iLearn II. Objectives Review terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statemenst in accordance with GAAP III.  Quiz

Economics – 12/21/18

I  .Bellwork: Q&A What is the topic of the graph? What do the x-axis and y-axis represent? What are some observations you can make based on the graph? What do you believe may happen in 2015? Explain. II.  Objective: Identify how inflation is measured, the causes of inflation, and its impact on the economy. Differentiate between the […]

AP Economics – 12/21/201

I. Over Break We will cover at least 2 modules over holiday break Module 74, 75 and 76? Everything will be on the blog and iLearn. Assignments for each section will be due 4 days after it is posted. – 20% deduction each day late II.  Discuss Final Schedule III.  DECA Happenings IV.  .  Section […]

AP Economics – 12/20/18

I.  Bellwork:  Pgs 729-731 A,  MC 1-12 B.  Free Response #1 III.  Objectives Explain how the factor markets determine the factor distribution of income Explain how the demand for the factors of production leads to the marginal productivity theory of income distribution Determine the equilibrium wage and level of employment in the labor market for […]

Economics – 12/20/18

I.  Bellwork :  Q&A What is the topic of the graph? What do the x-axis and y-axis represent? What are some observations you can make based on the graph? II.  Objective: Explore the benefits and disadvantages associated with production (GDP) and consumption in a a market/capitalistic economy. Evaluate differing points of view on an issue by […]

Accounting – 12/20/18

I.  Bellwork A.  What are the classifications (3)  of the accounts listed on the balance sheet? B.  What is the formula for computing the capital number on a balance sheet? II.  Objectives Review terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statement in accordance with […]

Economics – 12/19/18

I.  Bellwork:  Business Week News Clip Page 346  Summarize the article. ( 3-4 sentences) What words or phrases express the author’s point of view? Do you believe income inequality is a problem in our society?  Explain why or why not. II.  Objective Analyze the stages in the business cycle, their impact on the economy, and fiscal […]

AP Economics – 12/19/18

I.  Bellwork A.  Pages 726-727 Tackle the Test MC 1-5 Free Response Question  #2 II.  Objectives Explain how the factor markets determine the factor distribution of income Explain how the demand for the factors of production leads to the marginal productivity theory of income distribution Determine the equilibrium wage and level of employment in the labor […]

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