June, 2018
Accounting 2 – 6/08/18
I. Bellwork Page 305 Chapter10 Think Like an Accountant. TLA_CH10_2010.xlsx Follow directions and drop off Spreadsheet on iLearn II. Objective Analyze and interpret data on a spreadsheet to make informed business decisions III. Final Exam Schedule: 3rd hr Accounting 2 Final – Monday & Tuesday 4th hr Accounting 2 Final – Monday & Wednesday IV. […]
Management 2 – 6/08/18
I. BellworK Summarize the article in 4-6 sentences & provide your opinion https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/columnist/abrams/2018/05/30/small-business-lose-if-net-neutrality-goes-away/653679002/ II. Objectives: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. III. Classwork: EverFi: Complete Future Smart
Marketing 2 – 6/08/18
I. Bellwork Explain how you will prepare for the final and what you believe your grade will be on the exam. II. Objectives Examine the importance of entrepreneurs in a market economy as they attempt to obtain capital and financing to support their endeavors. Demonstrate understanding of visual and oral information by restating, paraphrasing, critiquing […]
Marketing 2 & Business Management 2- 6/07/18
I. Objective: Prepare for the final exam by identifying those concepts that may not be fully understood and using the resources available to research those deficiencies and to gain a better understanding. Classwork Review Questions Re-examine max 20 questions that you answered incorrectly on the iLearn review and write the questions along with the correct […]
Accounting 2 – 6/07/18
I. Objectives: Interpret and record financial transactions using special journals Prepare for second half of the Final Exam III. Classwork 408 Review- Reinforcement Activity: know how to record entries Dec 1-27
Marketing 2 – 6/06/18
Objective: Complete review assessment to identify areas that require further review Classwork Go to iLearn and take the review Tomorrow you will make corrections
Management 2 – 6/06/18
BellworK Summarize in 4-6 sentences What exactly are Trump’s tariffs, and how would they work? Objective: Complete review assessment to identify areas that require further review Classwork Go to iLearn and take the review Tomorrow you will make corrections
Accounting 2 – 6/06/18
Objectives: Review Payroll register and preparing checks related to payroll Prepare for Final Exam on Monday Classwork Chapter 12 Mastery Problem
Marketing 2 – 6/05/18
BellworK Summarize in 4-6 sentences Walmart’s Personal Shopper Service Launches in New York Objectives Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Analyze and interpret spreadsheet information to make informed business decisions. Final Exam Schedule: Marketing […]
Management 2 – 6/05/18
BellworK Canada-responds-to-steel-tariffs-by-imposing-dollar-for-dollar-tariffs-on-US Summarize in 6-8 sentence Objectives Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Identify and reflect on their personal values, financial habits and mindsets Apply systematic decision making to setting and achieving financial goals […]