May, 2012

Computer Applications – 6/01/12

I.  Bellwork: On iLearn II.  Objectives: Create Forms Add records III.  Classwork– P. 385 Gadget Sales Part 3-follow the directions Page 410-411 Exercise 1  – you need to finish it

Economics – 5/31/12

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Pgs. 453-454 1.    What was the Smoot-Hawley Act and explain its impact? 2.    What is the WTO and what does it do? 3.    What is NAFTA and who does it involve? II. Objective Assess the impact of trade policies on domestic activity and world trade. III.  Finishing 16-2 Trade Restrictions Discussion  Types […]

Computer Applications – 5/31/12

I.  Bellwork: On iLearn II.  Objectives: Create Forms Add records III.  Classwork– Page 410-411 Exercise 1 (Instructions (d-h) P 385 Gadget Sales Part 3

Economics – 5/30/12

I.  Bellwork:   Q&A – Country X Country Y Grapefruit 10/tons 15/tons Olives 40/tons 30/tons     Explain your answer and show/compare both mathematical relationships 1. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing grapefruit? 2. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing olives? II.  Objective: Assess the impact of trade policies on domestic activity […]

Computer Applications – 5/30/12

I.  Bellwork: On iLearn   II.  Objectives: Creating Tables and Fields Assigning Primary Keys Creating Forms III.  Classwork– Databases A.  Pgs. 375-380 Gadget Sales Part 2 – Finish B.  Pgs. 410-411 Exercise 1 IV.  Seniors – Excel and PowerPoint Final- Print both with your picture and Name Tomorrow iLearn Test

Economics – 5/29/12

I.  Bellwork: Q&A List two states and a product each state has an advantage in producing. List two countries and a product each country has an advantage in producing. II. Objective: Examine how comparative advantages and globalization have led to increasing trade. Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and the global economy. III.  […]

Computer Applications – 5/29/12

I.  Bellwork: On iLearn II.  Objectives: Creating Tables and Fields Assigning Primary Keys III.  Classwork A.  Pg. 373 Gadget Sales Part 1-Discuss & Write it out B.  Pgs. 375-380 Gadget Sales Part 2 IV. Seniors Review for your Final on iLearn Part 1 Tomorrow -Application Problem Part 2 on Wednesday – iLearn Questions

Economics – 5/24/12

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A A.  List 3 ways the Fed can decrease the money supply B.  Explain the difference between tight and easy money policy. II. Objective Demonstrate an understanding of the Federal Reserve, its role, and the use of monetary policy. III.  Classwork  IPE_puzzle_crossword Monetary%20Policy%20Crossword IV.  Chapter 14 Test

Computer Applications – 5/23/12

I.  Bellwork Review Page 560- Exercise 3 II.  Objectives: Apply animation, transitions, and hyperlinks to presentations III.  Chapter 13 Test Chapter 13 Advanced PowerPoint on iLearn Chapter 13 Advanced PowerPoint Application Problem IV.  Seniors Final Wednesday5/30- Application of Excel & PowerPoint – Study Guide on iLearn Final Thursday 5/31- iLearn Test –  Review old tests […]

Economics – 5/23/12

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A A.  By how much will the money supply increase if $25,000 is deposited and the reserve requirement is 10% $25,000 is deposited and the reserve requirement is 5% B.  List 3 ways the Fed can increase the money supply II. Objective Identify how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy as a means […]

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