August, 2018

Economics – 8/30/2018

I,  Bellwork My Learning Plan – Google Classroom II.  Objectives: Review and discuss common classroom procedures and policies PreTest for prior knowledge III. FinishClass-Procedures Discussion IV.  iLearn Economics Course – registration V.  Economics Pre Test

Accounting – 8/30/18

I.  Bellwork Core Values:  Definition and provide a real life example for each core value II.  Objectives: Review and discuss common classroom procedures and policies PreTest for prior knowledge III.  Finish Class-Procedures Discussion IV.  iLearn Accounting Course – registration V.  Accounting  Pre Test – Precision Exams

Accounting – 8/29/2018

I.   Bellwork Learning Plan on Google Classroom II.    Objective: Discuss and become familiar with classroom policies and procedures in order to have a successful semester. III.  Classwork – Acknowledgment on Google Classroom Accounting1-3 Sequence Syllabus Technology Use Agreement Cell Phone Policy IV.  Notebook class procedures Class-Procedures

AP & Regular Economics – 8/29/18

I.   Bellwork Personal Inventory on Google Classroom II.    Objective: Discuss and become familiar with classroom policies and procedures in order to have a successful semester. III.  Classwork – Acknowledgment on Google Classroom FARHOUD – AP Full Year Syllabus for students and parents 2018-2019 Economics Syllabus – Technology Use Agreement Cell Phone Policy IV.  Notebook class […]

Accounting – 8/28/18

I.  Bellwork: What are some things that you believe you may learn in this class this semester?   II Objective: Discuss and become familiar with course requirements and expectations. Reflect upon individual strengths and weaknesses Read, discuss, and review the course syllabus III. Please complete the Personal Inventory on Google Classroom IV.  Read & Discuss Course […]

AP Economics & Economics – 8/28/18

I.  Bellwork: What are some things that you believe you may learn in this class this semester? II.  Objectives:   Familiarize students with the course and MBCC policies and procedures Examine and discuss student prior knowledge III.  Classwork: We will be attending a presentation in the auditorium today for an orientation on MBCC policies and […]

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