May, 2011

Economics – 5/31/11

I.  Bellwork: Q&A P. 227 Analyzing the Issue Q&A 1-2 What is the positive and negative effect of offshoring to U.S. residents? II. Objective Assess the impact of trade policies, monetary policy, exchange rates, and interest rates on domestic activity and world trade. III.  Review 16-1 Absolute and Comparative Advantage Discuss 16-2 Barriers to International […]

Economics – 5/27/11

I.  Bellwork:   Q&A – Show work for #3&#4 Absolute & Comparative Worksheet Country X Country Y Grapefruit 10/tons 15/tons Olives 40/tons 30/tons 1. Which country has the absolute advantage in producing grapefruit? 2. Which country has the absolute advantage in producing olives? 3. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing grapefruit? 4. Which country […]

Economics – 5/26/11

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Economic Analysis  p 442 Economic Analysis  p 443 Economic Analysis  p 444 II. Objective: Examine how comparative advantages and globalization have led to increasing trade. Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and the global economy. III.  16-1 Video & Notes Episode 34: Comparative Advantage & Trade Chapter_16-1 IV. Absolute & […]

Economics – 5/25/11

I.  Bellwork: Chapter 14 Quiz II. Objective: Use the concepts of absolute and comparative advantage to explain why goods and services are produced in one nation or locale versus another. III.  Discuss 16-1 Absolute and Comparative Advantages: pgs 441-445 Absolute & Comparative WS IV.  Classwork Page 441 Content Vocabulary (6) Page 445 2-8 Q&A-Together V.  […]

Economics – 5/24/11

I.  Bellwork: P. 400 Economic Analysis P. 402 Economic Analysis P. 403 Economic Analysis P. 405 Economic Analysis II. Objective Identify how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals III.  Review Figure 14.5 Charts in Motion (Macro) Episode 32: Monetary Policy IV.  Classwork Free Enterprise Activity 20 Pages 410-411 […]

Economics – 5/23/11

I.  Bellwork Q&A A.  Page 396 Economic Analysis B.  Page 398 Examining the Profile 1-2 II. Objective: Identify duties of the Federal Reserve and how it uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals III.  Review (Macro) Episode 30: Creating Money Reserve Requirement WS IV.  Classwork Page 399 Content Vocabulary (13) Page 407 […]

Multimedia – 5/20/11

Finish Everything e-mail work to: Today is the last day.

Economics – 5/20/11

I.  Bellwork: Page 381 Analyzing the Issue 1-3 Q&A II. Objective Examine the history of modern day banking the creation of the Federal Reserve III.  Federal Reserve Video & Discussion Fiscal Policy and the Federal Reserve Board The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 IV.  Classwork Pg 397  3, 5-7 Q&A Page 390 Vocabulary (14) V. […]

Economics – 5/19/11

I.  Bellwork: Page 378  #25 & #26 II. Objective: Examine the impact of inflation and unemployment on the economy. III.  Classwork A. . 13-3 Free Enterprise Activity 19-Types of Unemployment B.  Economics U$A – Inflation:  Video – Questions & Answers What did Kennedy do to stimulate the economy in the early 1960’s? What was happening to demand […]

Multimedia – 5/18/11

Read the blog for Multimedia – 5/13/11 I have changed the grading rubric, so please edit your Animoto movies accordingly and send them to me.   5/20/11 is the last day of class

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