2011W Multimedia NS
Multimedia – 5/20/11
Finish Everything e-mail work to: farhoua@dearborn.k12.mi.us Today is the last day.
Multimedia – 5/18/11
Read the blog for Multimedia – 5/13/11 I have changed the grading rubric, so please edit your Animoto movies accordingly and send them to me. 5/20/11 is the last day of class
Multimedia – 5/13/11
Animoto Project Animoto Overview Go to Animoto.com. You will need to sign up for a free account. You will create a 30 second Animoto video for one of the following topics Don’t Do Drugs Stop Smoking Anti-Bullying Read the Rubric for this task. NEW-animoto-mash-rubric You will need to collect pictures and upload them to Animoto. […]
Multimedia – 5/11/11
This project should be completed today- send the link to my blog Everyone should have sent their PowerPoint file to the I: drive on Friday Go to Mixbook.com and begin creating your book. You may need to edit your text, the font size, or color to make it look good. You will need to upload […]
Multimedia – 5/06/11
This project should be completed today- send the link to my blog Everyone should have sent their PowerPoint file to the I: drive on Friday Go to Mixbook.com and begin creating your book. You may need to edit your text, the font size, or color to make it look good. You will need to upload […]
Multimedia – 5/04/11
This project will take the next 2 class sessions Everyone should have sent their PowerPoint file to the I: drive on Friday Go to Mixbook.com and begin creating your book. You may need to edit your text, the font size, or color to make it look good. You will need to upload your pictures to […]
Multimedia – 4/29/11
This project will take the next 3 classes You will be assigned a year in the 1990’s and will create a mixbook scrapbook for that year highlighting important events with pictures and text. Mixbook.com Examine the link for examples of how a yearbook may look: Mixbook project The rubric is how you will be graded: […]
Multimedia – 4/27/11
Go to xtranormal.com Sign up for an account Create a skit/movie with two characters and an appropriate background (6 points) The movie must last at least 2 minutes (10 points) with dialogue from both characters which makes sense (4 points) The movie should be about an event that has happened to you or you have […]
Multimedia – 4/15/11
Using the information you obtained on Wednesday, you will create a timeline for your civilization/empire. Join https://www.dipity.com/ See Example: https://www.dipity.com/StevePro/History-of-The-Wheel/ Your timeline must consist of at least 12 events/accomplishments including important people. No more than 3 people. You must have an appropriate and relevant picture along with a relevant and informative description for each. (24 […]
Multimedia – 4/13/11
I. Ancient Civilization Multimedia Project A. You and a partner will be assigned an ancient civilization to research. B. Things you will need to find: A map of the ancient civilization Accomplishments/Important Events in that civilizations history. Pictures and descriptions of accomplishments/important events (See Above) At least 7 events with dates that can be placed […]