January, 2008

Computer Applications 2/04/08

Objectives: Describe the MS Office applications Identify the different parts of a Windows application interface Enter data into a document Use Menus and Toolbars Identify dialog box operations Save files Create headers and footers Open, save, print, and close files Quit an application I.  Bellwork A.  List 6 things you should do After the Tardy Bell […]

Accounting 1 – 2/04/08

Objectives·          Define accounting terms related to starting a service business organized as a proprietorship. Classify accounts as assets, liabilities, or owner’s equity and demonstrate their relationships in the accounting equation. I.  Bellwork A.  List 6 things you should do After the Tardy Bell has rung.  (See Class Procedure Notes) II.  Starting a Proprietorship Page 4      III.  […]

Accounting 2 – 2/04/08

Objective: Journalize purchases for a merchandising business in a purchases journal I.  Bellwork A.  List 6 things you should do After the Tardy Bell has rung.  (See Procedure Notes) II.  Quick Review – Lesson 10-1 PPT   III.  Notebook Work A.  Critical Thinking Pg 221 Questions & Answers 1-2 IV.  Classwork A.  Page 228 Problems 5-8  […]

Accounting 2 – 1/31/08

Objectives:  Define acccounting terms related to purchases for a merchandising Business Identify accounting concepts and practices related to purchases for a merchandising business  Journalize purchases for a merchandising business in a purchases journal I.  Bellwork A.  Write the question and answer. What room are you in?  Lettter and Number Ex G107 What is the name […]

Computer Applications 1/31/08

Objectives: Describe the MS Office applications Identify the different parts of a Windows application interface Apply proper keyboarding technique I.  Bellwork (5 Minutes or less) A.  Write the question and answer. What room are you in?  Lettter and Number Ex: G107 What is the name of this course? What is your instructors last name?   What […]

Accounting I – 1/31/08

Objective:  To identify and become familiar with career opportunities in accounting. I.  Bellwork (5 Minutes or less) A.  Write the question and answer. What room are you in?  Lettter and Number Ex G107 What is the name of this course? What is your instructors last name?   What time does this class start and end? II.  Read […]

All Classes 1/30/08

Students will be able to: Become familar and learn to apply Core Values, Class Policies and Procedures I.  Bellwork A.  Using your Class Syllabus, construct and label a pie chart which represents the categories in the Grading Method section. II.  Turn in Syllabus III.   Core Values Discussion A.  On a seperate sheet:  1.  Define each core value […]

All Classes 1/29/08

Objective:  Become familar with course content, requirements, procedures, evaluation, and Core Values. I.  Bellwork- A.  Write and Answer the following questions based upon the graph in the link below. https://www.infomine.com/investment/metalschart.asp?c=gold&u=oz&submit1=Display+Chart&x=usd&r=1y What does the graph demonstrate?  What month was gold at its lowest price? What was the lowest price?  (Estimate) What month has the highest price for gold? […]

All Classes 1/28/08

I. Assigned Seats (they will change) III. Schedule 1/28/08-ReviewIV. Discuss Course V. Complete Survey

Accounting 1/23/08

Objective:  Review for Final I.  Bellwork A.  Pg 214 Case 3 Complete Sentence answers II.  Complete Survey  III.  Collect Books IV.  Classwork A.  Complete the Balance Sheet and Income Statement based on the Worksheet V.  Final Tomorrow Morning

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