Sociology F2016

Sociology – 1/24/2017

I.  Bellwork A.  Click on the following link – B.  Begin Sorting – Follow Instructions C.  Explore Traits D.  Write a summary on what you learned from this activity. II.  Objective: Explore attitudes on race by completing an IAT test on race and writing a self reflection based upon the results. Review understanding and […]

Sociology – 1/23/17

I.  Bellwork Login to as a guest Take the Race IAT What were your results?Explain if you agree or disagree? II.  Objective: Explore attitudes on race by completing an IAT test on race and writing a self reflection based upon the results. Review understanding and application of sociological terminology and concepts through the post-test […]

Sociology – 1/20/17

I.  Bellwork Explain the difference between discrimination and prejudice. Provide an example of each II.  Objective: Identify and analyze the elements of discrimination and its impact on society. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve a problem.  III.  Classwork Class Divided […]

Sociology – 1/19/2017

I.  Bellwork Explain the difference between race and ethnicity. II.  Objectives: Analyze the concepts and causes of discrimination and prejudice` and their relation to the treatment of minority groups. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, III. Discussion:  Prejudice & Discrimination ·         Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course… IV.  […]

Sociology – 1/18/17

I.  Bellwork Page 211 Q&A 5-6 II.  Objectives: Analyze the role race, ethnicity, and minority groups shape social structure Distinguish between race and ethnicity Explain the factors that have lead to the categorization of race III. Discussion:  Does Race Exist? Race and Ethnicity lecture Race, Ethnicity, Nationality and Jellybeans IV.  Classwork – Section 9.1 Page […]

Sociology – 1/17/17

I. Bellwork Page 207 Q&A 1-2 II.  Objectives: Analyze the role race, ethnicity, and minority groups shape social structure Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, III. Discussion:  Does Race Exist? Why Color Blindness Will NOT End Racism | Decoded | MTV News IV.  Classwork Page […]

Sociology – 1/12/17

I.  Bellwork: A. Describe an example of vertical mobility. B.  Describe an example of horizontal mobility. II.  Objectives: Examine how poverty is defined and what groups are affected by poverty in the U.S. Analyze government responses to poverty and their impact. Determine the relationship between occupation and social class through information provided in the text […]

Sociology – 1/11/2017

I.  Bellwork: What social class do you feel that you belong? Explain the criteria you used to make your decision. II.  Objectives: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, Examine and critique social classes in the U.S. Identify the types of social mobility and the forces that help […]

Sociology – 1/10/17

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Page 190 Reading Check Q&A II.  Objective Examine characteristics of status, social stratification, and social class as it relates to American society. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information . III.  Discussion – Systems of Stratification A.  Stratification PPT B.  Graphic Organizer Types of Systems Dimensions Explanation […]

Sociology – 1/09/17

I.  Bellwork: Q&A A.  Page 185 Q&A 1-2 B.  List examples of the special challenges the rural poor face. II.  Objective Describe and analyze the characteristics, dimensions, and theories relating to social stratification systems. Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact III.  Discussion […]

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