May, 2013
Economics – 5/31/13
I. Bellwork Q&A Page 504-505 Explain how globalization has lead to interdependence. P527 #27 II. Objective- Produce clear and coherent 6+1 essay based upon discussion of the previously viewed video and construction of double bubble map in which demonstrates the criteria areas of content and organization. Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and […]
Economics – 5/30/13
I. Bellwork: Pgs. 502-503 Q&A How has globalization led to outsourcing? What is outsourcing? What is the cost associated with outsourcing? What are the benefits associated with outsourcing? II. Objective Examine the role globalization, multinational corporations, and outsourcing play in the economy. III. Notebook Check- Tomorrow IV. Chapter 14 iLearn Quiz closes tomorrow @ 3:00 […]
Economics – 5/29/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A By how much will the money supply increase if: $25,000 is deposited and the reserve requirement is 10% $25,000 is deposited and the reserve requirement is 5% List 3 ways the Fed can increase the money supply II. Objective Demonstrate an understanding of the Federal Reserve, its role, and the use of […]
Economics – 5/28/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A A. Page 408 Examining the Newsclip 1-2 Q&A II. Objective Identify how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals Calculate how the money supply is increased using the reverse requirement. III. Review (Macro) Episode 30: Creating Money (Macro) Episode 32: Monetary Policy Figure 14.5 Charts in […]
Economics – 5/23/13
I. Bellwork: Pg 389 Analyzing the Impact 1-2 II. Objective: Examine the history of modern day banking the creation of the Federal Reserve Identify duties of the Federal Reserve and how it uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals III. Project Due Today – Turn it in IV. 14.2 Discussion Pgs. 390-397 The […]
Economics – 5/22/13
I. Bellwork Page 379 #39 & 40 II. Objective: Students will apply concepts and principles relating to the three major macroeconomic goals throughout their assessment. III. Poster Board Project Due Tomorrow Economic Poster Board Project IV. Classwork Q&A (See chart below) Country Unemployment Rate % of Average Wage Received in Unemployment Benefits Length of Time […]
Economics – 5/21/13
I. Bellwork Primary and Secondary Sources 21 Stagflation II. Objective: Students will apply concepts and principles relating to the three major economic indicators throughout their assessment. III. Poster Board Project Due Thursday: Economic Poster Board Project IV. Understand the importance of Economic Indicators 13-3 Free Enterprise Activity 19 13 Free Enterprise Activities 18 V. Chapter […]
Economics – 5/20/13
I. Bellwork Page 367 #5 & 6 Q&A II. Objective Analyze the criteria for being classified as unemployed and examine the different types of unemployment including frictional, structural, and cyclical. III. Discussion 13-3 Unemployment pgs.369-375 Unemployment Video-Circle Map Types of Unemployment-Tree Map Unemployment Rates by State Unemployment Interactive 13-3 Free Enterprise Activity 19 IV. Notebook […]
Economics – 5/17/13
I. Bellwork: Why the Fed Worries Inflation Is too Low Based upon the article: Summarize what the Fed is planning to do, the methods they will employ, and the reason the Fed believes this action is necessary. II. Objective Analyze the circumstances behind the various type of inflation that have occurred over time. Provide an […]
Economics – 5/16/13
I. Bellwork: Based upon the graph, explain in detail what happened between 2007-2011. How would you categorize the time that is shaded. Explain why. II. Objective: Identify how inflation is measured, the causes of inflation, and its impact on the economy. III. Discuss 13-2 Inflation pages 361-367 Business Cycle Inflation Video Inflation – Winners […]