April, 2013
Economics – 5/01/13
I. Bellwork: A. More Bridges to Nowhere Q&A What is the article comparing to a bridge to nowhere? What pork spending add-ons are being identified? Summarize the general message and the tone of the article. II. Objective: Examine the importance of entrepreneurs in a market economy as they attempt to obtain capital and financing to […]
Economics – 4/30/13
I. Bellwork: Arizona Proposes Medicare Fat Fee – WSJ.com Summarize Arizona’s Proposed tax and why they deem it necessary. What principle of taxation does this tax involve? Based upon the criteria for effective taxes (p232), do you believe the tax will be effective? II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which governments generate revenue on consumption, […]
Economics – 4/29/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A A. Page 242 Economic Analysis B. Page 244 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which local, state, and federal governments generate revenue. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text III. Video – How the Government Spends, Collects, & Owes IV. Notebook Work: […]
Economics – 4/26/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A A. Page 231 Economic Analysis B. Page 235 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze and evaluate the methods in which the government generates revenue. III. Review: Taxes Video IV. Discussion/Notes: Progressive, Regressive, and Proportional Taxes Interactive Types of Taxes Review Quiz https://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-18-2011/world-of-class-warfare—warren-buffett-vs–wealthy-conservatives https://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-18-2011/world-of-class-warfare—the-poor-s-free-ride-is-over V. iLearn Quiz Closes at 6:00 pm VI. Classwork: 9-1 […]
Economics – 4/25/13
I. Bellwork: Q&A II. Objectives: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Identify and Explain: Impact of taxes on the economy Criteria for Effective taxes Principles of Effective taxes Three categories of taxes III. Section 7.2 & 7.3 iLearn Quiz Today – Friday @ 4:30 IV. Discussion/Notes: […]
Economics – 4/24/13
I. Bellwork Q&A If a new bridge to Canada is built: Provide and explain an example of a negative externality. Provide and explain an example of a positive externality. II. Objective Identify functions and constraints of business structures. Examine the role of the government and legislation in correcting market failures. III. Notebook Work Causes of […]
Economics – 4/23/13
I. Bellwork Q&A What is happening in the picture? Who is impacted? How are they impacted? Why do you believe this is being allowed? II. Objective: Identify common circumstances related to market failures and the impact externalities have on society. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords […]
Economics – 4/22/13
I. Bellwork A. Page 167 Analyzing the Issue 1-3 Q&A II. Objective- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. Construct a complete 6+1 Persuasive Essay III. Notebook Check Today IV. Classwork: Persuasive Essay (12 Summative) Prompt: Should College Athletes Be Paid? Watch Money and […]
Economics – 4/19/13
I. Bellwork: Page 165 #23 Q&A II. Objective: Chapter 6 Assessment: Analyze how prices change through the interaction of buyers and sellers in the market III. Turn in Chapter 6 Review Sheet IV. Classwork Watch Money and March Madness on PBS. Should College Athletes Be Paid – Tree Map -separate page in your notebook V. […]
Economics – 4/18/13
I. Bellwork Q&A Economics Analysis Pages 157, 158, and 159 (Hint find equilibrium) II. Objective Review and discuss principles and concepts as they relate to the determination of price. Analyze and provide examples of the practice of price controls. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary […]