February, 2018

Management – 2/28/18

I.  Bellwork 57, 32, 42, 42,18, 24 For the numbers above find the: Mean Mode Median Range II.  Objectives: Review and discuss terminology and concepts involving data analysis and decision making III.  Discussion: Finding mean, median, and mode IV.  Classwork Chapter 14 – Review Sheet Everfi – Digital Literacy & Responsibility Register:  https://platform.everfi.net/registration/login Class code:  […]

Marketing 2 – 2/28/18

I;  Bellwork Register for  EverFi – Venture: https://platform.everfi.net/registration/login Class Code:  e6fb50a4 Read the Directions II.  Objectives: Apply marketing vocabulary , concepts, and strategies  related to branding, packaging, and labeling on Kahoot Review concepts and answer questions utilizing the text III.  Classwork iLearn Chapter 31 Workbook page 336 1-6 Q&A IV.  Chapter 31 Test Tomorrow Kahoot […]

Accounting 2 – 2/28/17

I.  Bellwork  Q&A On iLearn  2/28 BW II.  Objectives:  Analyze financial transactions recording them in a sales and cash purchases journal Post transactions from special journals into the general journal III.  Chapter  9 Test on Friday IV.  Classwork 9M on Aplia Page 279 Review Problems & Questions on iLearn

Marketing – 2/27/18

I.  Bellwork Page 749 Q&A 1-3 II.  Objectives: Review and apply branding concepts and terminology while competing in various review exercises/games Distinguish between National, Private, and Generic Brands based upon their characteristics III.  Discussion: Kahoot –  National, Private, and Generic Brands IV.  Classwork iLearn Chapter 31 Workbook page 336 Use Excel & Convert to Google […]

Accounting – 2/27/18

I.  Bellwork  Q&A Page 273 Q&A 1-3 II.  Objectives:  Create and prove a schedule of accounts payable Post amounts from a cash payments journal to the general ledger III.  Classwork Aplia 9-5 Working Together and  On Your Own 9-5 Application Problem Aplia

Management – 2/27/18

I.  Bellwork Page 381 Career Assessment Q&A II.  Objectives: Interpret data as presented in a table to perform additional analysis Analyze and summarize data to compare prices of items based sold in various stores using a spreadsheet and creating formulas III.  Classwork Page 380 Case in Point Use Google Sheets Drop Off in Google Classroom

Accounting 2 – 2/26/18

I.  Bellwork  Q&A What journal is used to record all cash payments? If $3500.00 of merchandise is purchased on credit with the terms 2/10 n/30, what will be the discount if taken? based upon question #2, what will be the amount paid to the creditor after the discount is taken? II.  Objectives: Follow and apply […]

Marketing – 2/26/18

I.  Bellwork  Q&A Page 740 Sending the Message Page 741 Helping the Environment II.  Objectives Review and discuss branding concepts and terminology Compile data to create a spreadsheet to analyze brand recognition data and provide plans regarding advertising and promotion. III,  Discussion: Review Branding on Kahoot IV. Classwork iLearn Chapter 31 Workbook page 333 –  […]

Management – 2/26/18

I.  Bellwork Q&A A. Checkpoint p. 373 B. Checkpoint p. 376 II. Objectives Create a sequences map demonstrating the procedures for studying tables, charts, and graphs Review and apply terminology and concepts pertaining to data analysis and decision making III. Notebook Page 374-375 Sequence Map – Procedures for studying tables, charts, and graphs IV.  Classwork […]

Management – 2/16/18

I.  Bellwork  Q&A Page 369 Why did Mattel attempt to expand its Barbie line into China? Explain how Mattel attempt to market the product. Explain why was the Barbie store a success in Buenos Aries and a failure in China. What advice would you offer Mattel before they attempt to enter the India market with […]

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