November, 2014
Economics – 12/01/14
I. Bellwork: Synthesizing Information R45 1-3 Q&A II. Objective: Given various scenarios distinguish between progressive, regressive, and proportional taxes Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources Analyze and discuss the merits of various methods in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth. III. Notebook: Pages 251-253 Describe Flat […]
Economics – 11/25/14
I. Bellwork: A.) Claim Statement: Which type of tax (progressive, proportional, or regressive) do you believe is the most equitable way for the government to raise money? Provide support for your claim. B.) Questions & Answers Page 242 Economic Analysis Page 244 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Distinguish between the ways in which local, state, and […]
Economics – 11/24/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A – Page 231 Economic Analysis Page 235 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze and evaluate the methods in which the government generates revenue. Identify and classify the taxes as progressive, regressive, and proportional according to the methods implemented to generate revenue. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information in order to address how […]
Economics – 11/21/14
I. Bellwork: Four Square II. Objective: Determine the central ideas or information; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Examine and discuss the fundamental principles associated with taxation. III. Discussion/Notes: A. Review: Taxes Video B. The Economics of Taxation Pages 229-236 PPT file and attached Chapter 09 Section […]
Economics – 11/20/14
I. Bellwork: – Four Square on Cartoon II. Objectives: Examine and explain the role government plays in correcting market failures. Discuss and provide analysis of the societal impact externalities and market failures (tragedy of the commons) while also exploring possible methods to resolve these issues.. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which […]
Economics – 11/19/14
I. Bellwork: A. Claim Statement Q&A Do you believe that government regulation and agencies are necessary? Explain and cite examples. Present the counterclaim to your statement. Explain and cite examples. II. Objective: Discuss and provide analysis of the societal impact externalities and market failures (tragedy of the commons) while also exploring possible methods to resolve […]
Economics – 11/18/14
I. Bellwork Q&A If a new bridge to Canada is built: Provide and explain an example of a negative externality. Provide and explain an example of a positive externality. II. Objective Identify the purpose of legislation which constrains the functions of business structures. Examine and explain the role of the government and legislation in correcting […]
Economics – 11/17/14
I. Bellwork Q&A What is happening in the picture? (Not a fire.) Who is impacted? How are they impacted? Why do you believe this is being allowed? II. Objective: Identify common circumstances related to market failures and the impact externalities have on society. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation […]
Economics – 11/14/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A Page 165 #23 a-d II. Objective: Chapter 6 Assessment: Analyze and interpret how prices change through the interaction of buyers and sellers in the market and the impact of price controls III. Turn in Your Notebooks & Chapter 6 Review Sheet IV. Classwork Discuss Chapter 6 iLearn Questions V. Chapter 6 Test
Economics – 11/13/14
I. Bellwork: Question & Answers A. Graph an example of a Price Floor 1. Who benefits from it? 2. What does it create (shortage/surplus)? 3. Provide an example. B. Graph an example of a Price Ceiling. 1. Who benefits from it? 2. What does it create (shortage/surplus)? 3. Provide an example II. Objectives: • Analyze […]