February, 2012
Computer Applications – 3/01/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives: Explain the usages and applications of margins, line spacing, indents, and tabs. III. Notebook Check Today IV. Classwork A. Page 96 Training Part 4-Save B. Page 114 Review Questions 1-3 & 6-10 Q&A
Economics – 2/29/12
I. Bellwork – Q &A II. Objective: Determine what creates demand and what factors cause demand to change III. Discuss Demand Pages 91-95 IV. Classwork Page 91 Vocabulary 11 Page 95 2-6 Questions & Answers 4.1 Guided Reading Activity
Computer Applications – 2/29/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives: Adjust margins Apply paragraph formats such as line spacing and indents Position text using tabs and tab stops III. Classwork A. Pgs. 87-88 Training Part 1 B. P. 90 Training Part 2 C. Pgs. 92–93 Training Part 3 IV. Absent during test- Makeup – Tomorrow after school in A205 V. Notebook […]
Economics – 2/28/12
I. Bellwork: Pages 58-59 Q&A What is IP? Analyzing the Issue 1-2 Page 59 What impact does IP piracy have on the consumer? II. Objectives: Take Chapter 2 Test III. Classwork: Page 56 1-8 Write it out IV. Chapter 2 Test
Computer Applications – 2/28/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives – Chapter 2 Assessment Identify and apply formatting and other commonly used ribbons and buttons to create documents. III. Classwork A. Pages 76 Exercise 3 IV. Chapter 2 Test on iLearn Application Test Multiple Choice/True and False Test
Economics – 2/27/12
I. Bellwork: Q&A Identify the role government has in each: protector, provider, or regulator Environmental Protection Agency Food and Drug Administration Libraries Federal Communications Commission Consumer Product Safety Commission Highways and Roads Agricultural subsidies Education Federal Bureau of Investigation Securities and Exchange Commission Interstate Commerce Commission Supreme Court II. Objectives: Review Chapter 2: Allocation of […]
Computer Applications – 2/27/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives – Review Identify and apply formatting and other commonly used ribbons and buttons to create documents. III. Classwork A. Pages 74-75 Exercise 1 B. Pages 75-76 Exercise 2 IV. Chapter 2 Test Tomorrow A. Review Bellwork on iLearn
Economics – 2/17/12
I. Bellwork Q&A Page 31 Analyzing the Issue 1-2 II. Objective: Write a persuasive essay based upon the minimum wage argument III. Notebook work: Construct a Thinking Map with Pros and Cons regarding the minimum wage base upon the resources below and your informed opinion A. Resources: Pages 30-31 Spokane reacts to next year’s minimum wage […]
Computer Applications – 2/17/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives: Identify commonly used buttons from the Word Home tab Ribbon III. Classwork A. Pg 72-73 Write or Type Questions and Answers #15, 17-24 B. Word Home Tab Ribbon – Take a screen picture (Ctrl+Print Screen) of the Word Home Tab Ribbon Paste in a Word document with Landscape orientation […]
Economics – 2/16/12
I. Bellwork Q&A A. Page 18 – Examining the Profile 1-2 B. Explain to what extent, if any, do you believe the government should be involved in the economy? II. Objectives: Examine the role of government in the economy. Identify the characteristics of a free enterprise economy and the roles of entrepreneurs, government, and consumers. […]