March, 2012

Economics – 3/30/12

I. Bellwork- Chapter 5 Enrichment Q&A 1-5 on a separate sheet II. Objective Examine the importance of entrepreneurs in the economy as they attempt to obtain capital and financing. Observe how factor markets and product markets operate. III.  Classwork-Shark Tank-Video link below questions A.  Write down these questions to answer for each entrepreneur and […]

Computer Applications – 3/30/12

I.  Bellwork On iLearn II.  Objectives: Using Functions to Perform Calculations III. Classwork- A.  SPREADSHEET – FORMULA PRACTICE– Click to open B.  Micro Type Pro Red Section – Complete Lessons 1-3 by the end of the day You should already have finished lesson 1-2 a month ago Points per lesson WPM < 10 = 1 pt […]

Economics – 3/29/12

I. Bellwork List 5 goods or services you have recently purchased. Identify if price may have influenced your decision regarding the items you have bought? II. Objective Analyze how prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers and sellers in a competitive market. III.    Discussion: Prices as Signal Pages 142-146  Video –  Prices IV. […]

Computer Applications – 3/29/12

I.  Bellwork On iLearn II.  Objectives: Modifying and Creating Cell Styles Inserting an Deleting Row and Columns Using Functions to Perform Calculations III. Classwork- A.  Pgs 245-247 Planets Part 1 B.  Pgs 249-250 Employee Commission C.  Micro Type Pro Red Section – Complete Lessons 1-4 by Friday Points per lesson WPM<10 = 1 pt 10<WPM<15 = […]

Economics – 3/28/12

I.  Bellwork Q&A A.Classwork Page 140 #23-28 II.  Objective Explain the law of supply and analyze changes in supply as well as changes in quantity supplied. Analyze the production function and other decision making models which allow businesses to maximize profits. III. Chapter 5 Exam IV.  Economics – Content Vocabulary Activites-Extra Credit Chapter 5 Enrichment

Computer Applications – 3/28/12

I.  Bellwork A.  On iLearn II.  Objective:  Apply basic Excel principles to complete Chapter 5 Assessments III. Classwork A.  Chapter 5 Application Test on iLearn B.  Chapter 5 Test on iLearn           

Economics – 3/27/12

I.  Bellwork:  Draw diagrams & answer Page 141- #34 II. Objective Explain the law of supply and analyze changes in supply as well as changes in quantity supplied. Analyze the production function and other decision making models which allow businesses to maximize profits. III. Classwork Reteaching Chapter 5 Chapter-5-Review1 Chapter 5-1 iLearn Quiz Review IV. Chapter 5 […]

Computer Applications – 3/27/12

I.  Bellwork On iLearn II.  Objectives: Apply formatting to a worksheet Create formulas to perform calculations in a worksheet III.  Notebook Check Today IV.  Classwork P. 234 Exercise 8 P. 235 Exercise 10 V.  Test Tomorrow – Study Chapter 5 Bellwork – Chapter 5 Review Computer Applications

Economics – 3/26/12

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Page 137 #5-7 II. Objective: Examine how businesses analyze their costs and revenues to maximize profits. III. Discussion: Cost/Revenue/Profit Maximization Pages 132-137 Production-Schedules-5-2-5-3 IV. Classwork A.  For each industry/business featured in the video (3), explain what threatened their profits, how they responded to the challenge, and what was the outcome. 1.  Video […]

Computer Applications – 3/26/12

I.  Bellwork On iLearn II.  Objectives: Apply formatting to a worksheet Create formulas to perform for calculations in a worksheet Apply conditional formatting III.  Classwork P. 230-231 Exercise 4 P. 234 Exercise 8 IV. Notebook Check V.  Test Wednesday– Review tomorrow Review Chapter 5 Bellwork Chapter 5 Review Computer Applications

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