April, 2015
Sociology – 5/01/15
I. Bellwork Signs What is the message in the song? What are some of the events mentioned in the song used to reinforce this message? How does the song’s message relate to norms? II. Objectives: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text Examine the purpose and social function […]
Economics – 5/01/15
I. Bellwork Q&A If a new bridge to Canada is built: Provide and explain an example of a negative externality. Provide and explain an example of a positive externality. II. Objective Identify the purpose of legislation which constrains the functions of business structures. Examine and explain the role of the government and legislation in correcting […]
Sociology – 4/30/15
I Bellwork Page 157 What do you think? 1-2 Q&A Do you believe there would be a difference in the way the members of the Saints and the Roughnecks fared as adults? II. Objectives: Explore how norms are enforced through internalization and sanctions in order for society to run smoothly. Determine the meaning of words […]
Economics – 4/30/15
I. Bellwork Provide an example of a positive externality and explain how it impacts the 3rd party positively. Provide an example of a negative externality and explain how it impacts the 3rd party negatively. II. Objective: Describe externalities, distinguish between positive and negative externalities, and identify methods used to discourage negative externalities and encourage positive […]
Economics – 4/29/15
I. Bellwork Q&A What is happening in the picture? (Not a fire.) Who is impacted? How are they impacted? Why do you believe this is being allowed? II. Objective: Identify common circumstances related to market failures and the impact externalities have on society. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation […]
Sociology – 4/29/15
I. Bellwork Page 127 Skills Focus Q&A List 3 warning statements that are associated with suicide. II. Objectives: Examine the main challenges faced by those experiencing adolescence and the factors that influence these challenges. Evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats in order to address a question or solve a problem. […]
Sociology – 4/28/15
I. Bellwork Page 129 Thinking Critically 1-2 Q&A II. Objectives: Evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats in order to address a question or solve a problem. III. Classwork The Bully Project Full Movie Questions & Answers What is your opinion on bullying? What were the most upsetting parts of the […]
Economics – 4/28/15
I. Bellwork: Q&A MLA Heading on separate sheet of paper. Heading: Chapter 6 Test II. Objective: Chapter 6 Assessment: Analyze and interpret how prices change through the interaction of buyers and sellers in the market and the impact of price controls Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid […]
Economics – 4/27/15
I. Bellwork: Q&A Page 165 #23 a-d II. Objectives: Analyze and provide examples of how price controls are practiced and their impact. Identify the impact resulting from changes in Demand and Supply on equilibrium Price and Quantity Integrate and evaluate various graphic models in order to address a question or solve a problem. III. Classwork […]
Sociology – 4/27/15
I Bellwork Page 125 Skills Focus Q&A II. Objectives: Examine the main challenges faced by those experiencing adolescence and the factors that influence these challenges. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain. III. iLearn Quiz Closes Today IV. Timeline […]