November, 2018
AP Economics – 11/30/18
I. Bellwork: Page 666 Tackle the Test FRQ2 a-c II. Objectives Determine the prices and profits in both in the short run and the long run Explain how monopolistic competition can lead to inefficiency and excess capacity Construct and interpret graphs for short run and the long run monopolistic competition. III. Notebook A. List […]
Accounting – 11/30/18
I. Bellwork Page 157 1-2 Q&A II. Objectives: Prepare the heading of a work sheet demonstrating proper format . Create a sequence map demonstrating the six-step process for preparing a trial balance on a work sheet and utilize the procedures to prepare the trial balance section of a work sheet . Discuss the importance of […]
Economics – 11/30/18
I. Bellwork: A.) Claim Statement: Which type of tax (progressive, proportional, or regressive) do you believe is the most equitable way for the government to raise money? Provide support for your claim (at least two sentences explaining your claim. II. Objective: Distinguish between the ways in which local, state, and federal governments generate revenue. Write arguments to support […]
AP Economics – 11/29/18
I. Bellwork Pages 657 #2 2a, b, & c II. Objectives: Discuss the legal constraints of antitrust policy Explain how repeated interactions among oligopolists can result in collusion in the absence of any formal agreement Explain the cause and effect of price wars, product differentiation, price leadership, and nonprice competition Describe the importance of oligopoly […]
Economics – 11/29/18
I. Guest Speakers -Dearborn Federal Credit Union Mrs. Richards and Mr. Hoff Topic: Budgeting and Credit Guest Speaker sheet Pay attention & Complete the sheet with complete sentences II. Turn in your homework
Accounting – 11/29/18
1st Period I. Bellwork A&A If you could start any business, what would it be, what would you sell. and where would it be located? II. Objectives: Define a target market and explain the importance of identifying a target market segment Explain the importance of identifying competitors, determining a competitive advantage, and crafting an effective […]
AP Economics – 11/28/18
I. Bellwork Based upon the Payoff Matrix below: Does McDonald’s have a dominant strategy? Explain. Does Burger King have a dominant strategy? Explain Is there a Nash/Non-cooperative equilibrium/ Explain II. Objectives: Explain the payoffs, dominant strategies, and Nash equilibrium given a payoff matrix Examine the demand curve for a firm operating in a noncollusive oligopoly […]
Accounting – 11/28/18
First Period Guest Speakers -Dearborn Federal Credit Union Mrs. Richards and Mr. Hoff Topic: Budgeting and Credit Guest Speaker sheet Pay attention & Complete the sheet with complete sentences 5th Period I. Bellwork A&A If you could start any business, what would it be, what would you sell. and where would it be located? II. […]
Economics – 11/28/18
I. Bellwork: Q&A – Page 231 Economic Analysis Page 235 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze and evaluate the methods in which the government generates revenue. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text Identify and classify taxes as progressive, regressive, and proportional according to the methods […]
AP Economics – 11/27/18
I. Bellwork Q&A A. –Why do some oil producing nations prefer to restrict output to keep prices high? –Why do others prefer a lower price strategy? –How does the article illustrate the difficulty of maintaining collusion? II. Objectives: Use game theory to enhance your understanding of oligopoly Analyze a prisoners’ dilemma using a payoff matrix […]