April, 2012
Computer Applications – 5/01/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives Create, Format, and Modify Charts/Graphs III. Classwork P. 319 Exercise 2 P. 321 Exercise 5
Economics – 4/30/12
I. Bellwork: Page 259- Analyzing the Issue 1-3 Q&A II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which governments generate revenue on consumption, income and wealth and use that revenue for public services and social welfare III. Videos: A. Governmental Spending Video B. Pork Barrel Projects 2 IV. Chapter-10PPT-1 – Copy (For Next Test) V. Classwork Page 261 […]
Computer Applications – 4/30/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives Create line and Bar Charts. Format and Modify Charts. III. Classwork Pgs. 310-313 Temperature Part 2 P. 317 Review Questions and Answers 6-10
Economics – 4/27/12
I. Bellwork: A. Explain the quote below and state why you agree or disagree. “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” – Justice Louis Brandeis II. 9-2 Review/Discussion for your on line Quiz Today III. Videos The […]
Computer Applications – 4/27/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives Create line and Bar Charts. Format and Modify Charts/Graphs. III. Classwork Pgs. 301-306 Temperature Part 1 Pgs. 310-313 Temperature Part 2 P. 317 Review Questions and Answers 6-10
Economics – 4/26/12
I. Bellwork: Q&A A. Page 242 Economic Analysis B. Page 244 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which local, state, and federal governments generate revenue. III. Video – How the Government Spends, Collects, & Owes IV. Notebook Work: V. iLearn Quiz – Chapter 9-1 & 9-2 Quiz online Tomorrow What to study: […]
Computer Applications – 4/26/12
I. Bellwork On iLearn II. Objectives Identify the parts of a pie chart Create, move, and resize a pie chart III. Classwork Pgs. 293-295 Continents Part 1 Pg. 297 Continents Part 2 (Identify Parts) Label the parts of your worksheet and chart (See pg 291) Pg 317 Review Questions and Answers #1-5
Economics – 4/25/12
I. Bellwork: Q&A A. Page 231 Economic Analysis B. Page 235 Economic Analysis II. Objective: Analyze the ways in which local, state, and federal governments generate revenue. III. Turn in Homework IV. Review: Taxes Video V. Discussion/Notes: Progressive, Regressive, and Proportional Taxes Interactive Types of Taxes Review Quiz VI. Notebook Work– Page 229 Criteria for […]
Computer Applications – 4/25/12
I. Bellwork [poll id=”2″] II. Objective: Construct a 6+1 Persuasive Essay III. Classwork: Summative 14 points Construct a 6+1 Persuasive Essay based on the information below Background Online schools are becoming a viable option for many students and are becoming chief competitors of traditional classroom schools. Some people believe online schools are just as good […]
Economics – 4/24/12
I. Bellwork: Q&A II. Objective: Identify and Explain: Impact of taxes on the economy Criteria for Effective taxes Principles of Effective taxes Three categories of taxes III. Discussion/Notes: The Economics of Taxation Pages 229-236 IV. Classwork: Page 229 Vocabulary (16) 9-1 Guided Reading V. Notebook Question: Explain which category of tax […]