April, 2008
Accounting 2 – 5/01/08
Objectives Define accounting terms related to a work sheet for a merchandising business. Identify accounting concepts and practices related to a work sheet for a merchandising business. Begin a work sheet for a merchandising business. I. Bellwork A. Terms + 1-2 Q+A II. 15-1 Eight Column worksheet for a march business A. Read + discuss […]
Accounting 1 – 5/01/08
Objective: Understand legal issues a related to checks and checking accounts I. Bellwork A. List at least 2 things that may be required before cashing a check for someone. II. Turn in Reinforcement Activity Parts 1-2 A. WB Pages 117-124 III. Video & Worksheet A. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN
Computer Applications – 5/01/08
Objectives: Identify the buttons on the standard and formatting toolbars Create and format a pie chart I. Bellwork A. Exercise 14 page 340-341 II. Turn in Your Notebook III. Testing Day A. Toolbar Test B. Excel Chart Test
Accounting 1 – 4/30/08
Objective: Review jornalizing and posting transactions Use computer software to journalize and post transactions I. Bellwork Pg 139 Explore Accounting A. Explain what is considered an unintentional error. B. Explain what is considered an intentional error. II. Classwork A. Reinforcement Activity Part A pgs 145-147 1. Journalize May 1- 18 wb pg 117 Complete #1 & […]
Accounting 2 – 4/30/08
Objectives: Identify accounting concepts and practices related to payroll accounting, taxes, and reports. Pay and record withholding and payroll taxes. I. Bellwork A. What are the accounts debited and credited when you record employer payroll tax expense? B. What are the accounts debited and credited when you pay for the liability for employee income tax? […]
Computer Applications – 4/30/08
Objective: Create pie, bar, and line charts. Format and edit charts. Print a chart I. Bellwork A. Pg 328 #14 Question and Answer (see pg 311) II. Classwork A. Pages 333-334 Exercise 5 B. Page 339 Exercise 11 C. Chart/Graph Review Sheet III. Notebook Work (See yesterday’s agenda) IV. Test on Thursday/Friday & Notebook Check
Accounting – 4/29/08
Objectives: Define accounting terms related to using a checking account. Identify accounting concepts and practices related to using a checking account. Define accounting terms related to using a petty cash fund Reconcile a bank statement Establish and replenish a petty cash fund I. Bellwork – Q & A A. How often should Petty cash be […]
Accounting 2 – 4/29/08
Objective: Journalize all payroll transactions and record withholding and payroll taxes I. Bellwork A. Page 365 Case 1 – Explain your answer. II. Classwork A. Recycle Problem C14 III. Chapter 14 Test Tomorrow A. Review your Study Guide B. Review Mastery and Recycle Problems
Computer Applications – 4/29/08
Objective: Create pie, bar, and line charts. Format and edit charts. Print a chart I. Bellwork A. Pg 328 12 a-d Question and Answer (see pg 310) II. Classwork A. Pages 332-333 Exercise 4 – Print B. Pages 333-334 Exercise 5 III. Notebook Work A. Copy and Label the buttons on the formatting and standard toolbars in […]
Accounting 2 – 4/28/08
Objective: Journalize all payroll transactions and record withholding and payroll taxes. I. Bellwork A. What is the money collected from payroll Social Security tax used for? Explain. B. What is the money collected from payroll Medicare tax used for? Explain II. Turn in Workbook page 323 III. Classwork A. Chapter 14 Review Sheet B. […]