October, 2018
Accounting – 11/01/18
I. Bellwork: When A Check You Wrote (Or Received) Bounces– A. Questions & Answers What are two fees associated with writing bad checks? What does NSF stand for? What are 4 things you can do if you write a bad check? What is Michigan’s returned check fee? II. Objectives: Describe significant points made by the speaker […]
Economics – 11/01/18
I. Bellwork Is Uber’s Surge-Pricing an Example of High-Tech Gouging? 3-2-1 Strategy- After reading the article, write and complete the following statements: (Must use 5 or more words) Three things I discovered/learned: Two things I found interesting: One question I have about this topic: II Objective Analyze how prices send signals and provide incentives to buyers […]
AP Economics – 10/31/18
I. Bellwork: Page 584-585 1-6 Write out answers II. Objectives Conduct marginal analysis by completing a production schedule and constructing an economic model Create and interpret economic models based upon production data in order to form decisions. III. Test Tomorrow IV. Review Free Response Questions iLearn Practice Test
Economics – 10/31/18
I. Bellwork A. Turn in Review Sheet B. MLA heading on a separate sheet of paper II. Objectives: Apply concepts and terminology involving supply and quantity supply Perform marginal and cost analysis to determine profit, profit-maximization, and the break-even point of production. III. Chapter 5 Exam Part 1- Constructive Response Part 2 – Selected Response
Accounting – 10/31/18
I. Bellwork List the 6 steps used in writing a check II. Objectives: Analyze and record financial transactions of a check register Properly complete checks when given a transaction and record them on a check register Explain the process of writing checks and recording checking transactions on a register III. Classwork A. Booklet: Making the […]
AP Economics – 10/30/18
I. Bellwork Page 543 1-5 write out answers II. Objectives Conduct marginal analysis by completing a production schedule and constructing an economic model Create and interpret economic models based upon production data in order to form decisions. II. Classwork Production-Schedules-5-2-5-3-Activities-1 Review emphasize material in each section Section 9B Test Review on iLearn- Complete before class […]
Economics – 10/30/18
i. Bellwork: A. Economics Skills Lab Supply Questions & Answers Identify the natural resource that is the focus of the article. What is impacting the supply of this resource? Based upon your previous answer, what determinant of supply would this be classified as? Construct a supply graph to illustrate this change in supply and explain what […]
Accounting – 10/30/18
I. Bellwork On iLearn II Objectives: Analyze and record financial transactions of a check register Apply the proper steps to write checks and record them on a check register Explain the process of writing checks and recording checking transactions on a register III. Classwork Booklet: Making the Right Money Moves Check Register on Google Classroom […]
Economics – 10/29/18
I. Bellwork: Figure 5.6 Page 134 Questions & Answers At what number of products is the break-even point in on the table achieved? Estimate a range. At what number of workers is the profit-maximizing level of output achieved on the table and explain why this choice is correct. Explain the advantages e-commerce stores have over traditional […]
Accounting – 10/29/18
I. Bellwork Fake check scam on the rise and targeting young people Explain how the scam works. Explain what you should do if someone you don’t know offers you a check in exchange for cash? II. Objectives: Content OBJ:, properly complete checks when given a transaction and record them on a check register Lang OBJ: Explain […]