Economics W2014
Economics – 6/11/14 – 6/13/14
I. Turn in Books II. Turn in Partially Complete Participation Sheets III. Inspirational Music/Videos IV. Final Exam Part 1 & Part 2 Wed., June 11 Thurs., June 12 Fri., June 13 1st hour Exam(90 min)7:20-8:50 3rd hour Exam (90 min)7:20-8:50 5th hour Exam(90 min)7:20-8:50 Break (10 min) Break (10 min) Break (10 min) 2nd hour […]
Economics – 6/10/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A Which curve is more inelastic? What would cause a movement from point a to point b? What is the movement from point b to point b1 called? What is the movement from point a to point b called? II. Objective: Review and discuss economic principles and concepts in preparation for the […]
Economics – 6/09/14
I. Bellwork: Trading Blocks Primary and Secondary Sources Workbook -Separate sheet 1-4 Q&A II. Objective Analyze how the decisions made by a country’s central bank (or the Federal Reserve) impact a nation’s international trade III. Discuss 16-3 Foreign Exchange and Trade Deficits: pgs 456-461 The Truth Behind the WTO? Exchange Rates IV. Notebook How is it […]
Economics – 6/06/14
I. Bellwork Complete Instructor Evaluation Winter 2014 – Economics on iLearn II. Objective Complete Course Evaluation and Post Test. Use post test results to reflect upon those Economic skills and concepts that need to reviewed before the final exam. III. Classwork Economics – Post Test on iLearn You will be able to access and review […]
Economics – 6/05/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A – Country X Country Y Grapefruit 10/tons 15/tons Olives 40/tons 30/tons Explain your answer and show/compare both mathematical relationships 1. Which country has the absolute advantage in producing grapefruit? 2. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing grapefruit? 3. Which country has the comparative advantage in producing olives?II. Objective: identify trade […]
Economics – 6/04/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A List two states and a product each state has an advantage in producing. List two countries and a product each country has an advantage in producing. II. Objective: Examine how comparative advantages and globalization have led to increasing trade. Analyze the changing relationship between the American economy and the global economy. III. […]
Economics – 6/03/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A Bank Deposits Required Reserve $ Amount of Required Reserve $ Bank May Loan Possible Maximum Increase in the Money Supply $40,000.00 12.5% ? ? ? $25,000.00 20% ? ? ? II. Objective Demonstrate an understanding of the Federal Reserve, its role, and the use of monetary policy. Evaluate various explanations for actions […]
Economics – 6/02/14
I. Bellwork: Q&A What does the acronym FDIC stand for? What does FDIC do? Why is it important? II. Objective: Explain and Identify how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals Calculate how the money supply is impacted by the reserve requirement. III. Discussion (Macro) Episode 30: Creating Money […]
Economics – 5/30/14
I. Bellwork: Pgs 386-389 List the four characteristics of money. List the three functions of money. Explain the difference between M1 & M2. II. Objective: Examine the history of modern day banking the creation of the Federal Reserve Identify duties of the Federal Reserve and how it uses monetary policy as a means to achieve […]
Economics – 5/29/14
I. Bellwork Q&A (See chart below) Country Unemployment Rate % of Average Wage Received in Unemployment Benefits Length of Time Benefits Are Paid U.S. 4.6% 48% 6 months Japan 4.2% 51% 1 year France 9.7% 58% 2 years Germany 10.4% 36% 5 years Source: The World Factbook, 2007. Which country had the highest unemployment benefits […]