December, 2017

Management – 12/22/17

I.  Bellwork 185 Q&A 1-3 II.  Objectives: Examine situations that involving business ethics and analyze management actions taken Summarize the events from the video identifying ethical dilemmas  and critique how management should address those situations. III,  Discussion 3 – Presentations IV.  Classwork Finish EverFi over the break (see previous blogs) Summary:  Explain the ethical dilemmas […]

Marketing – 12/22/17

I.  Bellwork A.  Is there a product you have brand loyalty towards?  Explain why or why not? B.  Explain the concept of diminishing marginal utility and how it relates to price. II.  Objectives examine situations that require price planning and analyze the actions taken summarize the events from the video identifying marketing concepts and explain […]

Accounting – 12/22/17

I.  Bellwork Page 211 Analyzing Nike’s Financial Statements Q&A 1-2  II.  Objectives Review terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statement in accordance with GAAP III. Chapter 7 Test

Management – 12/21/17

I.  Bellwork A.  187 Q&A 17-20 II.  Objective: Review ethical and social responsibility in the workplace. Research and summarize examples of social responsibility performed by businesses III.  Classwork A.  p. 188 Q&A 21-25 & 27 B.  Search the internet for 2 corporations/companies that have social responsibility programs Not:   Ben & Jerry or Starbucks For Each:  […]

Accounting – 12/21/17

I.  Bellwork Page 205 Q&A 1-2 II.  Objectives Review terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statement in accordance with GAAP III.  Test on Friday IV. Classwork Page D-7  Recycle Problem Review Sheet on Aplia

Marketing – 12/21/17

I.  Bellwork A.  587 Q&A Figure 25.1 B.  588 Q&A Figure 25.2 II.  Objectives Identify the four market factors that affect price planning. Analyze demand elasticity and supply-and-demand theory. Explain how government regulations affect price planning. III.  Notebook/Discussion Factors that affect price Market Factors Affecting Price – Tree map Factors That Determine  Demand Elasticity  -Bubble […]

Management – 12/20/17

I.  Bellwork 187 Q&A 13-16 II.  Objectives: Build a balanced budget including common budget elements Identify sources of income and common types of payroll deductions Identify common types of taxes and explain how taxes impact income III.  Classwork: A.  Go to the link below, setup your account, and complete at least one lesson course […]

Accounting – 12/20/17

I.  Bellwork Q&A Explain what the difference is between an Income Statement and a Balance Sheet. Explain how the information on  each is used. II.  Objectives Review terminology and concepts related to income statements and balance sheets Interpret information from a worksheet and construct financial statement in accordance with GAAP III.  Chapter 7 Test on […]

Marketing – 12/20/17

I.  Bellwork A.  Search the Internet: Explain what the Sherman Anti Trust Act prohibits Explain what the Clayton Act prohibits II.  Objectives: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas. Examine and provide insight into fairness/legal […]

Management – 12/19/17

I.  Bellwork   Page 184 1-4 Q&A II.  Objectives: Present on business scandals and ethical dilemmas conveying clear and coherent information based upon their research Discuss the responsibility businesses have to our society III.  Classwork A.  Everfi – you should have only one remaining Scholarship 1 Link: Another Scholarship Is contingent upon completing at […]

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