May, 2017

Economics – 6/01/17

I.  Bellwork Is Uber’s Surge-Pricing an Example of High-Tech Gouging? 3-2-1 Strategy- After reading the article, write and complete the following statements: (Must use 5 or more words) Three things I discovered/learned: Two things I found interesting: One question I have about this topic: II.  Objective Analyze how prices send signals and provide incentives to […]

Personal Finance – 5/31/17

I.  Complete the Savings Module today II.  Begin Module 2 Banking

Sociology – 5/31/17

I.  Bellwork Page 205 Q&A 12-14 II.  Objective: Examine the problems/shortcomings of a capitalist society and explore where improvements can be made. Compare/contrast the results of capitalism with the economic goals of society Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve a […]

Economics – 5/31/17

I.  Bellwork Sheet of paper with MLA Heading II.  Objective Explain the law of supply and analyze changes in supply as well as changes in quantity supplied. Analyze the production function and other decision making models which allow businesses to maximize profits. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords […]

Economics – 5/30/17

I.  Bellwork Page 141- #37a, b, c  Answers only II.  Objectives Review and discuss changes in quantity supply, supply, the production function and use marginal analysis to make economic decisions. Analyze and make inferences related to supply based upon the information provided in the article III.   Chapter 5 Test Tomorrow IV.  Classwork A.  Economics Skills […]

Personal Finance – 5/30/17

I.  Objectives: Determine the impact of interest rates and time on total interest accrued Identify common savings vehicles (savings account, CDs, MMAs) Describe common features (liquidity, minimum balance, interest rate) of savings vehicles Understand that compound interest leads to more interest over time than simple interest Describe the impact of compounding frequency on total interest […]

Sociology -5/30/17

I.  Bellwork: Q&A A.  Is Race-based Affirmative Action Still Needed? What is the author’s stance? What evidence/information is used to support the stance? Do you support the author’s stance? Explain why or why not? In what way does this article relate to social stratification? II.  Objectives: Examine how poverty is defined and what groups are affected by […]

Economics – 5/25/17

I.  Bellwork: Figure 5.6 Page 134 Questions & Answers At what number of products is the break-even point in on the table achieved? Estimate a range. At what number of workers is the profit-maximization level achieved on the table and explain why this choice is correct. Explain the advantages e-commerce stores have over traditional stores? […]

Personal Finance – 5/25/17

I.  Discuss Questions on Review Part B (10 minutes) II.  Final Exam Part II III.  All parts on Banzai need to be completed by the end of class Today – I am not going back to look for your late work

Sociology – 5/25/17

I.   Bellwork A.  List 3 structured causes of upward mobility B.  List 3 personal factors associated with downward mobility II. Objective Examine characteristics of status, social stratification, and social class as it relates to American society. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information . III.  Classwork A.  People Like […]

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