June, 2016

Sociology- 6/10/2016

  I.   Bellwork Page 225 Thinking Critically Q&A 1-2 II.   Objective: Investigate the role of ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and dominant culture in cultural variation. Examine factors that contribute to cultural variation. Identify various agents of socialization (e.g., media, family, peers, education, religion, work) and describe their role in the socialization process. III.  Classwork: Movie:  […]

Economics – 6/09/2016

I.   Bellwork: Question & Answers Worksheet32 From Disequilibrium to Equilibrium II.   Objectives:   Review and discuss principles and concepts as they relate to the determination of price.  Analyze and provide examples of the practice of price controls.  Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary that makes […]

Sociology – 6/09/2016

 I  Bellwork Explain the difference between genocide and ethnic cleansing. II  Objective: Investigate the role of ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, and dominant culture in cultural variation. Examine factors that contribute to cultural variation. Identify various agents of socialization (e.g., media, family, peers, education, religion, work) and describe their role in the socialization process. III.  Turn in […]

Economics – 6/08/2016

I.   Bellwork: Question & Answers A.   Graph an example of a Price Floor 1. Who benefits from it? 2. What does it create (shortage/surplus)? 3. Provide an example. B.   Graph an example of a Price Ceiling. 1. Who benefits from it? 2. What does it create (shortage/surplus)? 3. Provide an example II.   Objectives: • Analyze […]

Sociology – 6/08/2016

I.   Bellwork Q&A A.   Is there such thing as race? Explain with support and examples. – 1 paragraph II  Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text/video says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text/video, including determining where matters are uncertain. III.  Activity Click on the […]

Economics – 6/07/2016

I.    Bellwork: Questions & Answers A.  Economics Analysis p. 157 B.  Economics Analysis p. 158 C.  Economics Analysis p. 159 (Hint find equilibrium)   II.   Objective Review and discuss principles and concepts as they relate to the determination of price. Analyze and provide examples of the practice of price controls. Evaluate various explanations […]

Sociology – 6/07/2016

I. Bellwork Explain the difference between discrimination and prejudice. Provide an example of each II.    Objective: Identify and analyze the elements of discrimination and its impact on society. Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve a problem.  III.  Classwork Class […]

Sociology – 6/06/2016

I.   Bellwork Page 211 Q&A 5-6   II.  Objectives: Analyze the concepts and causes of discrimination and prejudice` and their relation to the treatment of minority groups. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, III. Discussion:  Prejudice & Discrimination Prejudice & Discrimination: Crash Course… IV.    Classwork Page […]

Economics 6/06/2016

I.  Bellwork (Discuss the cases with your fellow students and write a complete response. A.) Your store is constantly selling out of a certain cologne. Explain what can you conclude about the cologne’s current price in regards to equilibrium? Explain what should you do? B.) The cost of attending college is becoming increasingly expensive and […]

Economics – 6/03/2016

I.  Bellwork Q&A:  From a starting point of D & S What is the current equilibrium price? Where does S &D intersect. What is the new price if demand remains constant and supply increases to S2? What would be the new price if demand decreases to D1 and Supply increases to S2? What would be the […]

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