August, 2019
8/29/19 Student Store
I. Bellwork: Google Classroom II. Math Foundations Page 166 Practice 1-10 III. Retail PreTest on Precision Exams
Accounting – 8/29/19
I. Bellwork Core Values: Google Classroom II. Objectives: Review and discuss common classroom procedures and policies PreTest for prior knowledge III. Finish Class-Procedures Discussion IV. iLearn Accounting Course – registration V. Accounting Pre Test – Precision Exams
Economics – 8/29/19
I, Bellwork on Google Classroom II. Objectives: Review and discuss common classroom procedures and policies PreTest for prior knowledge III. FinishClass-Procedures Discussion IV. iLearn Economics Course – registration V. Economics Pre Test – Precision Exams
AP Economics – 8/29/19
I. Bellwork: Follow the directions below: A. Use a diagram (See yesterday’s diagram) to illustrate the trade-offs and opportunity cost below: If you had up to $100 to spend on only one product or service, make a list of at least 4 possible products or services you would consider purchasing with the $100. Now narrow the list to the top […]
School Store – 8/28/19
I. Bellwork Learning Plan on Google Classroom II. Objective: Discuss and become familiar with classroom policies and procedures in order to have a successful semester. III. Classwork – Acknowledgment on Google Classroom *Technology Use Agreement *Syllabus *Cell Phone Policy IV. Classwork: Go to the DECA website Find your event and its related sample event on […]
AP Economics – 8/28/19
I. Bellwork Q&A A. Read (What is Economics?) What is the author’s claim? Provide two examples of evidence the author employs II. Objectives Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text through discussion and examples Construct thinking maps using examples, explain how scarcity, choice, opportunity costs affect decisions […]
Economics – 8/28/19
I. Bellwork My Learning Plan on Google Classroom II. Objective: Discuss and become familiar with classroom policies and procedures in order to have a successful semester. III. Classwork – Acknowledgment on Google Classroom Economics Syllabus – Technology Use Agreement Cell Phone Policy IV. Notebook class procedures Class-Procedures
Accounting – 8/28/19
I. Bellwork Learning Plan on Google Classroom II. Objective: Discuss and become familiar with classroom policies and procedures in order to have a successful semester. III. Classwork – Acknowledgment on Google Classroom Accounting1-3 Sequence Syllabus Technology Use Agreement Cell Phone Policy IV. Notebook class procedures Class-Procedures
All Classes – 8/27/19
I. Bellwork: What are some things that you believe you may learn in this class this semester? II. Objectives: Discuss and become familiar with the requirements and expectations at MBCC and in the course. Reflect upon individual strengths and weaknesses Read, discuss, and review the course syllabus III. Please complete the Personal Inventory on […]