February, 2014
Economics – 2/28/14
I. Bellwork Page 46 #2 & #3 II. Objectives: Examine and discuss the role of government in an economy. Identify the characteristics of a free enterprise economy and the roles of entrepreneurs, government, and consumers. III. Do not forget to take the Quiz tonight on iLearn IV. Notebook Work: Page 49 Copy Figure 2.3 – […]
Economics – 2/27/14
I. Bellwork Section 2-2 Q&A Explain how laws against false advertising promote economic equity. (see p. 45) What can citizens do to influence the economic goals of the country? (See p. 46) II. Objective: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve […]
Economics – 2/26/14
I. Bellwork Page 38 Figure 2.1 Economic Analysis Q&A Page 40 Figure 2.2 Economic Analysis Q&A II. Objective: Identify economic goals which are used to evaluate economic performance. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text III Review Section 2.1 2.1 Flashcards IV. Discussion : 2-2 Evaluating Economic Performance […]
Economics – 2/25/14
I. Bellwork Read & determine what type of economic system they created, what was their incentive, were there rules, what skills did each survivor have, did they have roles, was there a profit motive or private property? Economic System for Survival II. Objective: Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies and examine how […]
Economics – 2/24/14
I. Bellwork Read the article and summarize what happened, why it occurred, and its impact. Mohammed Bouazizi II. Objective Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence. Identify the characteristics of command, traditional, and market economies and examine how these are employed under different governmental systems III. Class […]
Economics – 2/14/14
I. Bellwork Q&A Page 31 Analyzing the Issue 1-2 II. SWD the ability to: · P3.3 Produce clear and coherent 6+1 essay justifying a decision on whether to increase the minimum wage based upon discussion of the opposing views (bell work), videos, and the construction of double bubble map. · CE 1.1.2 utilize a variety […]
Economics – 2/13/14
I. Bellwork Q&A 1. Explain the images this cartoon is depicting? 2. What is the message of this cartoon? II. Objective: Evaluate differing points of view on the same issue by assessing the authors’ claims, reasoning, and evidence. Integrate information from diverse sources, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among […]
Economics – 2/12/14
I. Bellwork– Page 28 Q&A #18, 22, 24 & 28 II. SWD: an understanding of basic economic concepts such as scarcity, the flow of economic activity, and decision making models used to demonstrate trade-offs by successfully passing the Chapter 1 assessment. III. Turn in Review Sheet IV. Notebook Work: A. Primary Source Handout – Identifying […]
Economics – 2/11/14
I. Bellwork– Write Question & Answers Pg 21 Figure 1.6 Economic Analysis Pg 22 Figure 1.7 Economic Analysis (Start at Point B) Pg 22 Figure 1.8 Economic Analysis II. SWD: the ability to construct a production possibilities frontier and analyze various situations which would cause deviations to operating at capacity. the ability to evaluate various […]
Economics – 2/10/14
I. Bellwork: A professional baseball team has only enough money to sign either one superstar or three young players. The superstar could help the team win the championship this year but would not be with the team long. The young players are talented but not yet ready for the major leagues. Questions & Answers 1. […]