January, 2011

Economics – 1/31/11

I.  Sit in Assigned Seats II.  Bellwork A.  One Page Double Space -minimum Reflect upon last semester.  What worked out well for you and what didn’t?  Identify any problems you had and any achievements you made? III. Today’s Schedule 1st hour                 7:20-8:00am 2nd hour                8:05-8:30am 3rd hour                 8:35-9:00am 4th hour                 9:05-9:30am 5th hour                 9:35-10:00am 6th […]

Economics – 1/25/11

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A List three monetary policies that will stimulate the economy? What is the formula for computing GDP? What component of GDP is the largest? II.  Objective:  Examine the impact of capitalism and globalization on transitional/developing countries. III.  Things that are due Your book today Last day Course Evaluation on iLearn for Extra Credit […]

Economics – 1/24/11

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A 1.     What is the price of gold at D and S? 2.     What is the price of gold at D and S2? 3.     What is the price of gold at D1 and S2? II.  Objective:  Review For Final Exam III.  Course Evaluation on iLearn for Extra Credit +2 Summative IV.  Chapter 16 […]

Economics – 1/21/11

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A What has happened to demand? List four things that could cause this? II. Objective Review micro and macroeconomic concepts for final exam. III.  Discuss Final Exam Review Part 2

Economics – 1/20/11

I.  Bellwork II. Objective Review micro and macroeconomic concepts for final exam. III.  Discuss Final Exam Review Part 1 IV.  Chapter 16 Test V.  Turn in your books

Economics – 1/19/11

I.  Bellwork: Q&A Economic Analysis  p 457 Economic Analysis  p 459 Economic Analysis  p 460 II. Objective: Assess how factors such as availability of natural resources, investments in human and physical capital, technical assistance, public attitudes and beliefs, property rights, and free trade can affect economic growth in developing nations. III.  Video:  Cameroon: Pipeline to […]

Economics – 1/18/11

I.  Bellwork II. Objective: Review the concepts of comparative and absolute advantage, the impact of trade policies and exchange rates on international trade. III.  Discuss: Chapter 16 Review IV.  Classwork Q&A Page 464:  19-26 & 28 V.  Quiz on Thursday 

Computer Applications – 1/14/11

I. Creating Presentations A.  Better Burger pgs 511-515 B.  Exercise 3 page 526 – Insert a picture of each type of Cat Shark for each slide

Economics – 1/14/11

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A P. 449 Reading Check P. 452 Reading Check P. 454 Reading Check II. Objective Assess the impact of trade policies, monetary policy, exchange rates, and interest rates on domestic activity and world trade. Analyze how the decisions made by a country’s central bank (or the Federal Reserve) impact a nation’s international trade […]

Current Events – 1/13/11

I.  Using the New York Times website select a news story within the United States and one outside the United States. https://www.nytimes.com/pages/national/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/pages/world/index.html Provide all the necessary information on the current events article summary sheet (2). II. Examine the political cartoons from one of the sites listed on the Current Events Blog Page. Complete the […]

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