February, 2016
Economics – 3/01/2016
I. Bellwork A. Eminent Domain and Property Rights Q&A What do you believe is the authors intent/message? Identify two restrictions under which the government must operate when exercising eminent domain authority. Explain the two qualities a public good must have. Explain why private property rights are important. II. Objectives: Determine the situations in which […]
Sociology – 3/01/2016
I. Bellwork: Q&A What is spurious correlation? Provide an example. II. Objectives: Form groups to conduct a sociological study using the research process. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which explanation best accords with textual evidence, acknowledging where the text leaves matters uncertain. III. Classwork A. Class Activity Conducting Interviews p. 24 […]
Economics – 2/29/2016
I. Bellwork : John Stuart Mill – The Role of Government A. Question & Answer Find at least 4 words you do not know the meaning of and list them. Identify at least two areas of concern where John Stuart Mill promotes government serving a purpose? Explain at least one example he uses to support his […]
Sociology – 2/29/2016
I. Bellwork A. My Learning Plan – Goals My Learning Plan Class goal development 3 Ways to attain the goal (course of action) II. Objectives: Identify and explain the steps in the research process. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text III. Skits due Wednesday IV. SSR: Read […]
Sociology – 2/26/2016
I. Bellwork: Q&A Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both. – C. Wright Mills Discuss the quote with someone On your paper Explain what the quote means. Explain if you agree or disagree. II. Objectives: Write narratives for skits to demonstrating a sociological […]
Economics – 2/26/2016
I. Bellwork Circle Map – What do you know about the minimum wage? – Minimum 4 facts II. SWD the ability to: P3.3 Produce clear and coherent 6+1 essay justifying a decision on whether to increase the minimum wage based upon discussion of the opposing views (bell work), videos, and the construction of double bubble […]
All Classes – 2/25/2016
Sociology Collage due Friday Economics iLearn Quiz Ends @ 10:00 pm Thursday SCHOOL IS CLOSED 2/25/16
Economics – 2/24/2016
I. Bellwork: Q&A What do you believe is the most difficult part of starting a new business? Explain Which is more important having a good product or a good location? Explain II. Objective: Examine the importance of entrepreneurs in a market economy as they attempt to obtain capital and financing to support their endeavors. Demonstrate […]
Sociology – 2/24/2016
I. Bellwork: Q&A List and explain each of the three main principles of symbolic interactionism Explain what a symbolic interactionist say in response to the statement below: “Human beings are born fully formed social beings, without the need for social interaction.” II. Objectives: Create scenarios which demonstrate the application of the main sociological theories. Write narratives to […]
Sociology – 2/23/2016
I. Bellwork California high school drops controversial Arab mascot Video Do you believe that Coachella Valley High School’s use of “Arabs” as a mascot is offensive? Explain why or why not. Explain the counterargument to your response. If the school changes the mascot name to “Mighty Arabs” is it offensive? Explain why or why not. […]