Economics F2015

All Classes – 1/27 thru 1/29

  FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Wed., Jan. 27 Thurs., Jan. 28 Fri., Jan. 29 1st hour Exam (90 min) 7:20-8:50 3rd hour Exam (90 min) 7:20-8:50 5th hour Exam (90 min) 7:20-8:50 Break (10 min) Break (10 min) Break (10 min) 2nd hour Exam (90 min) 9:00-10:30 4th hour Exam (90 min) 9:00-10:30 6th Exam (90 […]

Economics – 1/26/2016

I.   Bellwork: Complete and Turn in Learning Goal Sheet II.  Objectives: Review and discuss topics covered on the final exam. Analyze economic problems and construct written responses which explain the issues and provide accurate solutions III. Turn in Your Books after school today or receive a $100 delinquency’ IV.  What to study: Final Exam Review […]

Economics – 1/25/16

I.  Bellwork: Complete Course Evaluation II.  Objective Complete Course Evaluation and Post Test. Use post test results to reflect upon those Economic skills and concepts that need to be reviewed before the final exam. III. Turn in Outstanding Books after school today & Tuesday or receive a $100 delinquency Study the Review Sheet– Final Exam Review […]

Economics – 1/22/16

I.  Bellwork: Trading Blocks Primary and Secondary Sources Workbook –Separate sheet 1-4 Q&A Explain the meaning of the quote by Johann Joachim? Explain what a protectionist would favor and why? What was the result of the Hawley-Smoot Act? (14) Would you consider yourself a protectionist or free-trader? Why? II.  Objective Explain key principles which are involved […]

Economics – 1/21/16

I. Bellwork • Describe the symbolism in the cartoon. • Explain the author’s message. II.  Objective: Analyze how the decisions made by a country’s central bank (or the Federal Reserve) impact a nation’s economy and international trade Determine the central ideas or information of a economic cartoon; describe the symbolism and provide an accurate summary […]

Economics – 1/20/16

I.  Bellwork:  Q&A: Page 408 Examining the Newsclip 1-2 Q&A Based upon the graph on P408, what is the trend for inflation. II.  Objective Identify how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy as a means to achieve macroeconomic goals Construct a brace map describing the various monetary policies used by the Fed and their impact […]

Economics – 1/19/16

I.  Bellwork: Turn in Outsourcing Claim Statement II.  Objective: Students will apply concepts, principles, and solve problems relating to the three major macroeconomic goals to identity situations, address questions, and determine solutions to various economic problems. Produce written responses which demonstrate an in depth knowledge of macroeconomic goals by providing explanations, support, and examples as […]

Economics – 1/15/16

I.  Bellwork A.  Draw graph which illustrates demand-pull inflation. B.  Provide a specific example of -demand-pull inflation C.  Draw graph which illustrates cost-push inflation. D.  Provide a specific example of cost-push inflation II.  Objective: apply concepts, principles, and solve problems relating to the business cycle and inflation throughout their assessment. construct and economic model which […]

Economics – 1/14/16

I.  Bellwork:                       A.  Which of the two measures listed below do you believe is the best for determining unemployment?  Explain. B.  Page R53 1-4 Q&A II.  Objective: Students will review and apply concepts and principles relating to the three major economic indicators. Integrate and […]

Economics – 1/13/2016

I.  Bellwork P. 365  Cartoon:  What causation of inflation is the father discussing? Explain your answer. P. 360 Examining the NewsClip 1-2 Q&A II.  Objective Apply the criteria for being unemployed and using various scenarios classify different types of unemployment including frictional, structural, and cyclical. Evaluate various explanations for actions or events and determine which […]

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